  • Woman needs to be locked up expeditiously

  • Tubig 🌊
    Jan 10
    1 reply

    Saw the texts going viral a few days ago

    What a twist, that’s f***ed.

  • Jan 10
    3 replies

    ur dumb it's believe women always but this s*** is scary. crazy how this was so big i heard abt it in a whole different continent just for it to be a lie.

    ppl like this girl suck bcuz when the 99% of women telling the truth abt evil ass men do dare to speak up, stuff like this gives other s***ty men fuel to call them liars.

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    War on men

  • Ronin

    War on men

  • Jan 10
    2 replies

    ur dumb it's believe women always but this s*** is scary. crazy how this was so big i heard abt it in a whole different continent just for it to be a lie.

    ppl like this girl suck bcuz when the 99% of women telling the truth abt evil ass men do dare to speak up, stuff like this gives other s***ty men fuel to call them liars.

    Why is he dumb

  • brutallust

    ur dumb it's believe women always but this s*** is scary. crazy how this was so big i heard abt it in a whole different continent just for it to be a lie.

    ppl like this girl suck bcuz when the 99% of women telling the truth abt evil ass men do dare to speak up, stuff like this gives other s***ty men fuel to call them liars.



    Why is he dumb

    i misread it as women not woman lmfao my bad he's right. the rest of u suck tho there is no war on men you f***ing babies

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    Streets saying it’s a war on men out here

  • Jan 10
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Streets saying it’s a war on men out here

    Nah, only those that hate themselves say that.

  • Knx

    Nah, only those that hate themselves say that.


  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Jan 10

    Ruined that man’s life to the point he was allegedly posting suicide stories.

    Lock her ass up.

  • Jan 10
    2 replies

    Why are ppl like this

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    Ppl have just made a hobby out of ruining other peoples lives

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    her punishment should be hiv

  • Jan 10

    This was all over the front page of Reddit, she was lying?

  • Jan 10
    1 reply

    same thing happened to me before girl accused me of giving her hiv when it was actually gonorrhoea

  • brutallust

    ur dumb it's believe women always but this s*** is scary. crazy how this was so big i heard abt it in a whole different continent just for it to be a lie.

    ppl like this girl suck bcuz when the 99% of women telling the truth abt evil ass men do dare to speak up, stuff like this gives other s***ty men fuel to call them liars.

    Damn it’s that big?

    Not for nothing yall but I’d recommend everyone getting off social media. I use ktt and YouTube, so I mostly just get my music news and what I want.

    I remember when I used to know about these little viral things. And it honestly feels so good to not know about it. These are stupid things and we don’t need to overload our brains with information. Everything that blows up is always so stupid and base

  • It’s an evil world we live In

  • ThichQuangduc 🇵🇸
    Jan 10

    her punishment should be hiv

    I beg your pardon?

  • Jan 10
    4 replies

    Not all women are f***ed up, but the ones that are need to be held accountable criminally and socially.

  • Choking

    same thing happened to me before girl accused me of giving her hiv when it was actually gonorrhoea

    Wow, sucks that you had to experience that Crazy to see how far some women are willing to go in order to drag good men down

  • Wild. They were leaking his address and s*** too

  • Zezima

    Not all women are f***ed up, but the ones that are need to be held accountable criminally and socially.