  • loading 🧊
    Oct 10, 2020

    calling titties offensive like it's a penalty

  • That captain is a f***in g

  • blasphemous magz

    why does she feel the need to post it on social media? just pursue legal action through the legal system

    that dopamine hit from rts/favs and comments gassing her up was too good to pass up huh?

    Pray for em

    Cancel culture type s***. Wanting to expose the airline

  • Oct 10, 2020

    Would suck

    Would f***

  • blasphemous magz

    why does she feel the need to post it on social media? just pursue legal action through the legal system

    that dopamine hit from rts/favs and comments gassing her up was too good to pass up huh?

    Pray for em

    What’s the issue with exposing unfair treatment? Y’all find an issue with anyone who stand up for something and shed light on f*** s***. They had no reason to embarrass shorty like that.

  • If ktt had it their way nobody would expose foul s***. Exposing them on twitter would be more impactful than just suing. This situation needed to be broadcasted because they obviously was just on bullshit. Shorty was looking for that “policy” for 20+ minutes.

  • Oct 10, 2020
    blasphemous magz

    why does she feel the need to post it on social media? just pursue legal action through the legal system

    that dopamine hit from rts/favs and comments gassing her up was too good to pass up huh?

    Pray for em

    To get people on her side? The chances of this having an effect if she goes through court vs if she can rally people is a huge difference.

    Y’all complain about social media all day but being able to quickly organize people to fight injustices like this against a huge company is actually a good thing

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    She corny for this tho

    I get the hustle but when people do this it really f***s up the original message imo

    It waters everything down because now I don’t think you’re as upset as youre portraying yourself to be

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    I get the hustle but when people do this it really f***s up the original message imo

    It waters everything down because now I don’t think you’re as upset as youre portraying yourself to be

    Exactly my point. I agree with her but now it just feels like a PR stunt

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    I thinks its dumb af to have to dress a certain way to ride an airplane but at the same time why would you dress like that on an airplane during a pandemic and flu season

  • Oct 10, 2020
    1 reply

    It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

    You're an idiot bruh Im sorry to have to be the one to tell you

    But wouldnt it make sense to limit skin contact when using public transportation?

  • Oct 10, 2020
    Dat nigga Ace

    I thinks its dumb af to have to dress a certain way to ride an airplane but at the same time why would you dress like that on an airplane during a pandemic and flu season

    That’s what I’m saying gotta cover up with all this Rona going around in the airport lmao

  • plants 🌻
    Oct 10, 2020
    Dat nigga Ace

    But wouldnt it make sense to limit skin contact when using public transportation?

    Yeah I didn't realize her tiddies was gonna buckle her seatbelt

  • Oct 11, 2020

    Wouldnt care lol

    Idk how tf she wearing that in a cold ass plane tho

  • I'd let her board this dihh nstead

    Girls wit shaved heads always got the nicest titties n phattest asses

  • Oct 11, 2020

    I’m just gonna say every plane I ever got on was cold as s***. So if she ain’t got nothing else to cover herself with, she gonna be b****ing when she can’t feel her fingers

  • Oct 12, 2020

    how often do they pull ppl up for the pajamas rule or skirt being too short rule?

  • Oct 12, 2020

    Seems like a chill outfit to me

  • Oct 12, 2020

    Exactly my point. I agree with her but now it just feels like a PR stunt

    It usually is

  • Oct 15, 2020

    airplanes get cold af i always gotta bundle up

  • Oct 15, 2020
    1 reply

    She could have wore a top that was less revealing. Let's not pretend she didn't know what the issue was. Let's definitely not make it about race.

  • Oct 15, 2020
    1 reply

    She could have wore a top that was less revealing. Let's not pretend she didn't know what the issue was. Let's definitely not make it about race.

    But race most definitely play a part lol why is that top an issue but not white men and those extra tiny ass tight shorts or white women in short skirts or even PJs. Black women have gotten in trouble for wearing “tight” dresses and work slacks at work. They couldn’t even find her the policy we gotta stop acting like race don’t play a big part in everything in 2020.

  • Oct 15, 2020
    3 replies
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    But race most definitely play a part lol why is that top an issue but not white men and those extra tiny ass tight shorts or white women in short skirts or even PJs. Black women have gotten in trouble for wearing “tight” dresses and work slacks at work. They couldn’t even find her the policy we gotta stop acting like race don’t play a big part in everything in 2020.

    In the midst of a pandemic she comes on a plane with most of her chest exposed.

    Race plays a big part in 2020 because we let it.
