A lot more justified than other police shooting videos I've seen, but yeah, he should've just aimed for her leg or something
man the bar is low as hell
Also, this s*** happened like 3 years ago.
Why is this even a thread
This reminds me we finna get another slew of videos of police gunning down civilians in 2 years when election period hits. Like clockwork
Cop really told her to still drop the scissors when MF laid her out with 2 shots point blank
Believe it or not, at close range someone with a knife can actually close the distance before someone can draw properly. (Obviously this wasn’t the case here since he was already drawn)
Additionally, anyone who has taken a firearm training course is going to shoot center of mass. This isn’t Hollywood.
With that said, unnecessary use of force here lmao. The second she failed to comply she should’ve been tased.
Bro why you explaining s*** that don’t apply here?
from the video it feels like there was some lead up to this but it turns out that minute was the entire interaction
kinda makes it worse that a cop turns up and kills someone within 60 seconds
where’s that post of mine where I said that all Americans fantasize of justly killing somebody
This type of violence is something that every other country in our category just does not have to deal with
Giving ordinary citizens guns and the authority to use them just bc they got a stupid uniform on is one of the dumbest things this country’s done
I see no reason why she shouldn’t have been shot
She racist and dumb as f*** to charge a man with a gun with scissors.
Yeah but imagine she wasn’t racist and dont be reactionary and realize this probably somebody momma.
I am indifferent about him shooting a racist but
this is why I don’t like police. He could’ve used a taser or nightstick and he’s a bigger guy than her.
Also, this s*** happened like 3 years ago.
Why is this even a thread
went viral recently
am i tripping or did she say “nappy headed n*gger” in her dying breaths after being shot
Seems like suicide by cop, if you know you’re dying and you utter one last racist remark, this outcome is probably what she wanted