Freest country in the world.
but you get shot whereever you go
And another possibility is that you're only just hearing about it yourself. There's so much happening now it's just impossible to keep up with it and the news cycle is getting shorter and shorter. Mass shootings aren't even that big anymore I think most are going under people's radar at this point because it's so common
Black boy
White girl
Who is safe
Nobody, America is anarchy
where’s my post about every American’s dream being to murder
Of course. These gun nuts aren’t buying guns and planning on never using them on someone. They look for the slightest excuse to open fire and play self defense.
Seem like every 6 hours it’s another news story about somebody getting shot up Damn
I should be more careful with how many people are getting shot over mistakes
I opened a screen door to knock when the front door was open cause it was dark as s*** and this old b**** was pissed saying they got all kinds of weapons
S*** get real
Seem like every 6 hours it’s another news story about somebody getting shot up Damn
Like 20k people every year get shot dead in the US so if the media wanted they could make a story like this every couple minutes
How f***ing un-civil do you have to be,to feel the need to shoot strangers,just cause you don't recognize that car or person? I don't care if it is your property,its barbarianism,except with a gun,RIP to the young lady.
Guns attract way more evil then good,and its been like that.
Man should I just not even go outside?
Ive turned into wrong driveways so many times.
Like I honestly just hate this country sometimes. It has so much potential and yet we're all playthings for political fodder.
Both situations had old people doing the shooting too.
I wonder what network their televisions were tuned to.
See the problem with the tweet in op is that the man didn’t shoot out of fear, he clearly shot because he’s a psycho b**** who in no world should be owning a gun.
No sane person would do this.