  • Mar 4, 2022

    So we shoot at this nuclear power plant...

  • Mar 4, 2022

    Get some b****es they’ll never see that coming

  • Jbreezyondeck

    Get some b****es they’ll never see that coming


  • Mar 4, 2022
    1 reply

    for another man?
    couldnt be me

    You DoorDash?

  • Mar 4, 2022

    Here is one:

    1. Grow up

  • Mar 4, 2022
    1 reply

    You DoorDash?

    keep your head up king

  • Mar 4, 2022

    every1 pretend theyre on strike

    Just a prank bro

  • Mar 4, 2022
    1 reply

    keep your head up king

    lmao I fw u breh just joking


    S*** ironic anyway

  • Mar 4, 2022

    lmao I fw u breh just joking


    S*** ironic anyway

    i know lol i be jokin on here

  • Mar 4, 2022


    just put "out of order" signs on every single toilet stall in the building

  • Mar 4, 2022
    Bow And Arrow

    I thought we agreed to leave April Fools behind during the panny?

  • Mar 4, 2022

    Get some b****es they’ll never see that coming

    f***ing dead rn lmaoooooo

  • p apollo

    bomb threat

  • Mar 4, 2022


  • Mar 4, 2022
    p apollo

    bomb threat

  • Mar 4, 2022

    you gonna get canceled regardless lol

  • Mar 4, 2022

    Get some b****es they’ll never see that coming

  • none

  • Mar 5, 2022

    Email your boss with a document named "Resignation Letter" but when he opens it it says April Fools.

  • Mar 7, 2022
    3 replies
    Genius Idiot

    Go crazy

    Just to give you an idea of how far we take it, our CEO got one of our financing guys towed along w other things that went we that prank. Another prank: hired a midget to look just like and dress like our VP and follow him around all day.

    I have to top all these. Pls, need something good

    Get your boss's finger prints. Next get 2 hidden cameras and cover them in your boss's finger prints. Remember it's important to not get any of your own finger prints on the camera.

    Okay so on April fools day hide 1 camera in the men's room and the other in the womans room. During the busiest part of the day or when there is the most traffic in the bathroom you "discover" the hidden camera in the Men's room and have a public freakout. Immediately call the police while escalating the situation and inflaming the reactions of the people around you. Do your best to make sure a crowd gathers and knows what's going on.

    When the police get there tell them how you randomly saw this camera pointed into your stall. Make sure you come off super rattled and traumatized. Make an offhand comment such as "omg I hope there's no cameras in any of the other bathrooms". This will nudge the police to sweep the woman's room where you have jokingly hid the other camera.

    When the police inevitably find the 2nd camera act completely hysterical. Get everyone riled up with comments like "I feel dirty", "how sick can a person possibly be", "what Freak did this". Also threaten to sue the company just for further theatrics.

    While you are being hysterical and falling apart, demand the police take finger prints from the cameras. They would do it anyway but you want to scream it out in front of all your coworkers so that it plants the seed in their head about fingerprints.

    At this point the police are going to try and wrap things up, disperse the crowd, and gather all the evidence to take back. Don't go quietly. Keep the energy high and bait other people too. Make sure your coworkers are outraged.

    In the next few days while police are reviewing the evidence exaggerate the incident even more. Constantly talk about it and make sure sure it's on everyone's mind. Make sure you say things like "I don't want to keep talking about it" or "we really need to move on", etc but obviously you want to keep harping on it.

    Exaggerate the incident by saying things like "It always felt like someone was in their with me", "I have had a funny feeling in the bathroom for weeks", "I just could not put my finger on it". Yadda yadda yadda. Make your coworkers believe they felt uneasy in the bathroom too. Convince them they thought something weird was going on too.

    As the main witness you are going to be investigated by police. During this investigation you want to be much calmer and helpful than you were at the scene. Be concise and specific. Do not change your story at all. Do not say more than is needed. Short answers that are to the point. You will want to point them on the direction of your boss, so mention that the person that used those bathrooms the most was your CEO. Say that he was often in there for long periods of time. Do not accuse him of anything. Make it seem like he is the most victimized because he is in the bathroom the most.

    Within a week your CEO will be arrested and charged. Around the office act shocked, but also imply he always gave you a weird vibe and looking back a lot of things Make sense. Be as vague as possible but loosely make it seem like you figured it was him all along.

    Eventually the case will go to trial because the CEO knows he is innocent and is not going to plead guilty to something he did not do for a lesser sentence. He knows there was a mistake made and justice will prevail at trial.

    You will be the star witness and one of the first to get on the witness stand at trial. This is the moment you have been building towards. When the day finally comes show up to court looking super slick. New shirt, tie, jacket, shoes, hair cut. The whole 9 yards. You will be sworn in and the prosecutor will start to ask you his first question. Before he can even get halfway through his first sentence scream out "APRIL FOOLS LMAOOO".

    Start laughing hysterically in the witness stand. Scream how it was all a joke and that your boss is innocent. Bang on the witness stand wild screaming that it was all just a joke. Shriek it a the top of your lungs. Take the receipts for the cameras out of your pocket and throw them like dollar bills at a strip club. The receipts show you bought those cameras with your credit card the day before the actual arrest.

    Jump up and down on the witness stand screaming "APRIL FOOLS APRIL FOOLS APRIL FOOLS HAHAHAHAHA APRIL FOOLS I GOT YOU GOOD"

    For the grand finale quickly strip off your clothes. Swing your shirt around over your head like a lasso and keep screaming "APRIL MOTHAFUCKIN FOOLS YEEHAWW".

  • Mar 7, 2022
    · edited

    Get your boss's finger prints. Next get 2 hidden cameras and cover them in your boss's finger prints. Remember it's important to not get any of your own finger prints on the camera.

    Okay so on April fools day hide 1 camera in the men's room and the other in the womans room. During the busiest part of the day or when there is the most traffic in the bathroom you "discover" the hidden camera in the Men's room and have a public freakout. Immediately call the police while escalating the situation and inflaming the reactions of the people around you. Do your best to make sure a crowd gathers and knows what's going on.

    When the police get there tell them how you randomly saw this camera pointed into your stall. Make sure you come off super rattled and traumatized. Make an offhand comment such as "omg I hope there's no cameras in any of the other bathrooms". This will nudge the police to sweep the woman's room where you have jokingly hid the other camera.

    When the police inevitably find the 2nd camera act completely hysterical. Get everyone riled up with comments like "I feel dirty", "how sick can a person possibly be", "what Freak did this". Also threaten to sue the company just for further theatrics.

    While you are being hysterical and falling apart, demand the police take finger prints from the cameras. They would do it anyway but you want to scream it out in front of all your coworkers so that it plants the seed in their head about fingerprints.

    At this point the police are going to try and wrap things up, disperse the crowd, and gather all the evidence to take back. Don't go quietly. Keep the energy high and bait other people too. Make sure your coworkers are outraged.

    In the next few days while police are reviewing the evidence exaggerate the incident even more. Constantly talk about it and make sure sure it's on everyone's mind. Make sure you say things like "I don't want to keep talking about it" or "we really need to move on", etc but obviously you want to keep harping on it.

    Exaggerate the incident by saying things like "It always felt like someone was in their with me", "I have had a funny feeling in the bathroom for weeks", "I just could not put my finger on it". Yadda yadda yadda. Make your coworkers believe they felt uneasy in the bathroom too. Convince them they thought something weird was going on too.

    As the main witness you are going to be investigated by police. During this investigation you want to be much calmer and helpful than you were at the scene. Be concise and specific. Do not change your story at all. Do not say more than is needed. Short answers that are to the point. You will want to point them on the direction of your boss, so mention that the person that used those bathrooms the most was your CEO. Say that he was often in there for long periods of time. Do not accuse him of anything. Make it seem like he is the most victimized because he is in the bathroom the most.

    Within a week your CEO will be arrested and charged. Around the office act shocked, but also imply he always gave you a weird vibe and looking back a lot of things Make sense. Be as vague as possible but loosely make it seem like you figured it was him all along.

    Eventually the case will go to trial because the CEO knows he is innocent and is not going to plead guilty to something he did not do for a lesser sentence. He knows there was a mistake made and justice will prevail at trial.

    You will be the star witness and one of the first to get on the witness stand at trial. This is the moment you have been building towards. When the day finally comes show up to court looking super slick. New shirt, tie, jacket, shoes, hair cut. The whole 9 yards. You will be sworn in and the prosecutor will start to ask you his first question. Before he can even get halfway through his first sentence scream out "APRIL FOOLS LMAOOO".

    Start laughing hysterically in the witness stand. Scream how it was all a joke and that your boss is innocent. Bang on the witness stand wild screaming that it was all just a joke. Shriek it a the top of your lungs. Take the receipts for the cameras out of your pocket and throw them like dollar bills at a strip club. The receipts show you bought those cameras with your credit card the day before the actual arrest.

    Jump up and down on the witness stand screaming "APRIL FOOLS APRIL FOOLS APRIL FOOLS HAHAHAHAHA APRIL FOOLS I GOT YOU GOOD"

    For the grand finale quickly strip off your clothes. Swing your shirt around over your head like a lasso and keep screaming "APRIL MOTHAFUCKIN FOOLS YEEHAWW".


  • Mar 7, 2022

    smack someone’s ass but say it was a joke

  • Pranks were ruined by Youtubers highkey

  • AR15 💯
    Mar 7, 2022

    Get a cow and put it in the office

  • Mar 7, 2022
    1 reply