Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
Surprised there wasn't a thread for this already
It’s because we here at KTT are not workaholics
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
Didn’t even know they were planning to make a film
Didn’t even know they were planning to make a film
hope they still get the chance to do it somehow , maybe with another streaming service
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
News coming out the same day as someone makes an appreciation thread
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
loose butthole
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
f*** paramount
I blame them for how people stand-up is and how they interact on the internet
It's crazy how boring that is in relation to the actual show
classic show for me back in the day
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
Paramount scraps workaholics movie 5 weeks before filming
Keep if it’s like their Netflix travesty