My rogue steady clearing BWL 8/8 Weekly, blessed with a good guild
Level 60 Lock on the come up thanks to quarantine
bruh. my guild just got a 29:03 bwl clear. i play pally on kromcrush.
bump for the quarantine gamers. i know theres 1 ktt user on my server a warrior called femto
bruh. my guild just got a 29:03 bwl clear. i play pally on kromcrush.
niceeee bro thats fkn dope
been purging buffs at darkmoon faire all week with my shadow priest
yo you cold as f*** wtf
yo you cold as f*** wtf
if u kill them after they get darkmoon faire 10% damage buff they cant get it again for 4 hours playtime lol
arenas pre-cata a whole different game compared to now imo
Is stuff like aq40 and naxx in the game rn? Do they have long term plans to release BC content once the game starts to get stale
I have no interest in playing this game but I’m curious
Is stuff like aq40 and naxx in the game rn? Do they have long term plans to release BC content once the game starts to get stale
I have no interest in playing this game but I’m curious
AQ patch just dropped, most servers are engaged in war effort and sceptre quest chain rn. should open next week. naxx will follow probably early 2021.
they havent said anything about BC but they put out a survey a few months back asking opinions about them releasing BC and most people consider it basically confirmed. classic TBC would come out late summer/fall 2021 if i had to guess.
My Guild is bout to collapse. I love my guildies but Naxx is just taking a toll on us. Its expensive and were severely under-geared.
but TBC Announcement next month tho
Finally I can start playing again. Hope they keep classic xpacs til MoP aka last good xpac
TBC has the best raids
Karazhan, black temple, sunwell
Of course wrath had icc and ulduar which are also GOAT but nothing matches clearing BT for the first time. I did it for the first time during cata and it was still amazing
Warlock is such a goated class
Killing so many 60s at level 55
hell ye ! locks and s-priests are wpvp gods.
Finally I can start playing again. Hope they keep classic xpacs til MoP aka last good xpac
It’s def stopping at WOTLK, unless they take out LFG
Haven't played wow since cataclysm but i had some of my greatest gaming experiences playing BC & Wotlk. I might have to hop back on this and just ignore retail
Can't wait to play ret paladin on alliance with seal of blood
I been Holy all of classic but we going hard ret tbc gonna be soo fire