maintenace was supposed to end at 6pm est, they pushed it to 9pm EST then they pushed it to 1am EST then at 12:50 they said 3am EST what a s***show
Pre patch mad fye
I got my account suspended yesterday for too much afk av 😭 was trying to get honor capped for 70
How’s TBC? Hype here seems dead af
I would be hopping through the portal if not suspended, loooool
I am hearing from friends and seeing on streams that TBC classic is extremely hype.
Personally, TBC and WOTLK are prime wow. So I will be putting in a lot of hours.
just dinged 65 before the maintenance
crying because i am suspended, but happy for you !!!!
jesus yall going de-gen for TBC
im still 60.
Horde - Netherwind
city im in is in lockdown so this all i got to be fair
Leveling paladin sucks
yes it does. You gotta have the best spec for it.
The best spec for levelling Paladins is to re-roll as Hunters.