Hood niggas the dumbest people on planet earth OP has me f***ed up
would be the best tweet of the kanye water bottle tweet didn’t exist
What the f***
You surprised? He said the n word on video before
isnt that glasses malone guy on the gta 5 soundtrack
scientists have yet to decode this
So does this mean he likes d***
I’m f***ing crying stop lmaooooooo
Had somebody deciphered tf he was talking about?
The second tweet specifically
Did not know ASAP used to talk so much s*** on twitter.
This happened in december but can be easily top 3 contender
what a f***ing mongoloid
Damn!And Frank did a cover of her song
This one is really confusing
still the personal woat
was this posted yet
Posty wildin
this f***ing goofie
Real cuck energy
tweet in op was talking about 69, who is indeed both
Goat s*** tbh