It does make you a sexist and racist but whatever
You can label me whatever you want. I don’t care.
Fellas on this site just to be white knights in every thread they can find
I woulda picked her up and body slammed her on her neck then started stomping on her face relentlessly
You really got a vision man 😂😂
That’s on u. If u got your ass whooped that bad by a woman and u were fighting back idk what to tell u bro
“He grazed her foot” why didn’t shoot at your ex then if u feel Tory was in the right?
The me being bloody incident was from her hitting me in the head with an otter box. It just served as an example for you 'women' are not protected niggas, even bloody before officers I was treated like an offender. I never seen police show up on a scene and take the man's side first. She never beat my ass to a pulp, it would be her attacking and me rightfully defending myself. I never felt my life was threatened by her physically hitting me enough to shoot her, we would just rumble. Plus I ain't have my Glock then, the night she tried to stab me to death I probably would've upped on her.
But you also can't tell another man that he's not allowed to fear for his safety because the other person is a woman. If Tory felt he was about to get his s*** stomped he reserves the right to up on her
I'm sure you'll find a woman that will let you touch her someday
Not into women but thanks!
I woulda picked her up and body slammed her on her neck then started stomping on her face relentlessly
Yes my little 5 something ass should've picked up and WWE slammed her 5'11 heavy ass
“She” … so I was right then
But just implying that poster is a black woman, when I said I could be wrong, doesn’t make me a racist or sexist lol.
I just care enough to really discuss it.
I didnt say it makes u racist or sexist i said she called u racist and sexist and u said u didnt care lmao
And on top of that you saying “this post screams black woman” definitely has some negative implications
lotta times it b ppl who got thy backs against the wall lvin condition wise n thy wind up jus falln 4 da oaki doke n windin up in a situation whr thy bein trafficked ... peace 2 all da s***workers out der 2 stay safe ppls
u gotta nonsensical vendetta against it bc your moms a junkie, a white one, she had every god given chance to have a good life, but she lied to you, ol girl ain wanna admit u the product of deeze nuts so she gave you a easier pill to swallow
i love u kid
Yes my little 5 something ass should've picked up and WWE slammed her 5'11 heavy ass
Where were your weapons bro?
Also just wanna point out how much Quando Rondos career has suffered after King Vons death and he didnt even shoot Von
I sounds like you need to hit the gym b ion know what else to tell you
But you see how y'all don't keep the energy though? Never seen a woman be told that even if she started the fight
Yes my little 5 something ass should've picked up and WWE slammed her 5'11 heavy ass
I’m playing bro
That post was for the lames itt calling u a b**** for getting abused. They’re suggesting thats what you should have done in an attempt to seem indifferent or something
Also just wanna point out how much Quando Rondos career has suffered after King Vons death and he didnt even shoot Von
Tbf he had been fallen off
As a black man who grew up around all black women, I know their tendencies and attitude
As a black man who grew up around all black women, I know their tendencies and attitude
Not a sexist/racist though ^
Tbf he had been fallen off
That might be true I aint gone act like I follow him or nothing but a lot of people have a straight up dislike for him now due to that situation
The me being bloody incident was from her hitting me in the head with an otter box. It just served as an example for you 'women' are not protected niggas, even bloody before officers I was treated like an offender. I never seen police show up on a scene and take the man's side first. She never beat my ass to a pulp, it would be her attacking and me rightfully defending myself. I never felt my life was threatened by her physically hitting me enough to shoot her, we would just rumble. Plus I ain't have my Glock then, the night she tried to stab me to death I probably would've upped on her.
But you also can't tell another man that he's not allowed to fear for his safety because the other person is a woman. If Tory felt he was about to get his s*** stomped he reserves the right to up on her
“I never felt my life was in danger by her physically hitting me”
Too bad a woman can’t say the same about a man beating them
U literally just proved the point bro
What do U mean protect yourself? Where you pushing her off you or tagging her? And that throw bloodied u up but it obviously would not have stopped u if u were the aggressor bro
bro i like em thicc thicc thicc jordan sparks sized, im always just gonna have the bigger voice but if they decide to black out.... then shidddd
bro just gotta practice being more elusive
I've always wanted a WNBA wife so I been training appropriately
I’m playing bro
That post was for the lames itt calling u a b**** for getting abused. They’re suggesting thats what you should have done in an attempt to seem indifferent or something
It's funny cause that's how it was at work too. Mf would play me out for her putting hands on me. I never seen a female in an abusive relationship have that be the butt of every joke. A girl came in there crying because her boyfriend lifted her up and carried her out the house and sat her down. She got all the sympathy not one joke was made, but when it came to my ass the energy was not at all the same.
Also just wanna point out how much Quando Rondos career has suffered after King Vons death and he didnt even shoot Von
Ehhh more about people being fanned out
They loved Von for his bodies lol