lol u felt down thr huh on ya bull dwn 2 da tendy whn u wrote cracker out ... nigga i aint tell u nt 2 like S***ty stanes lil bitty ass nigga do u f*** is u talkn 2 me bout
bro i know not one black person who types like this u trying to hard bro
Tory and Meg weren't "beefing" so that's a huge difference, and if anything, niggas would just continue saying "stop the violence" had it been Dugg and Tory.
Lmaoooo nigga was just staring at the ceiling with these thoughts burning in his mind
You act like Thug literally shot Wayne.. that's what Tory allegedly did to megan.
no he had his oota do it
The first page being all insults instead of actual responses is telling lol
"He shot my son," said Oscar Godoy. "He executed my son -- he shot him in the head. If it's an accident, you're not going to point it into the head and shoot ...
"'Oh it was an accident,' that makes it like he had nothing to do with it. He shot my son."
"I don't know what's going on over there in the DA's office," said Bettie Godoy. "This boy, the person who was charged, he's walking free. I really feel that justice needs to be served, because too many are getting killed in Clayton County."
dude I was hypothesizing a romance after the army informs but then it actually says here that the kid had apparently liked makonnen, it happpend the night he was to be deployed, and Makonnen claims it was pointed at him first on the basis of him being annoying..(assuming in tactics trying to dissuade him all evening).. Which leads me to believe there’s helllllaaaaaa more to this story we don’t know about
If not a pure accident then Big possibility he reasoned that he was ‘saving him from the army’ or sum s***
Crazy how this killing strengthens the sacrificial ritual argument
no he had his oota do it
Thugger is a f***ing dumbass and a weirdo anyway, I always said it's f*** him, dude just happens to make really good music
"Gobble me, Swallow me, Drip down the side of me"
See what she is saying with "Gobble me, swallow me" means she welcomes want beef with her opps and almost dares them! And the "Drip down the side of me" means she's gonna leave you dripping blood on the ground besides her after she gets done shooting you!
See what she is saying with "Gobble me, swallow me" means she welcomes want beef with her opps and almost dares them! And the "Drip down the side of me" means she's gonna leave you dripping blood on the ground besides her after she gets done shooting you!
so hood and street man
Tory and Megan were friends they weren't beefing
The s*** you're describing is more like how iLoveMakonnen shot and killed his best friend, f*** that bum too
ILoveMakonnen killed someone?
"He shot my son," said Oscar Godoy. "He executed my son -- he shot him in the head. If it's an accident, you're not going to point it into the head and shoot ...
"'Oh it was an accident,' that makes it like he had nothing to do with it. He shot my son."
"I don't know what's going on over there in the DA's office," said Bettie Godoy. "This boy, the person who was charged, he's walking free. I really feel that justice needs to be served, because too many are getting killed in Clayton County."
so hood and street man
There are other lyrics lol
Meg used to be a studio gangster imo
There are other lyrics lol
Meg used to be a studio gangster imo
/used to/?
There are other lyrics lol
Meg used to be a studio gangster imo
Learned from the best