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  • Aug 18, 2021
    2 replies
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    B it’s bad faith because context matters in the situation. Like how did any of you not get it.

    Shaky at best reasoning to dismiss a solid claim because in your head you believe it to be rooted in trolling

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    That’s what I saw maybe u edited but anyway U are not a woman so anything u say right now means nothing lol. Women are not as physically strong as men that’s a fact. Equality is not black and white bro

    Women are not equally as strong as men

    I am not physically as strong as Dwayne Johnson since I'm short skinny nigga, you crucifying Dwayne if he fight me?

  • Aug 18, 2021


    Yall been getting too comfortable just letting s*** fly about black women in this sxn.

    niggga shutt yo telllin asss up bitcchhh u lkn 4 blck guhs u aint findn em on dis site niggga ... go 2 twitta

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I didn't say just a gun. I go out of my way to protect my body. A knife stays on me anytime that my glock isn't. You got to keep yourself protected at all times can't rely on other people to do it for you. Y'all need to stop treating women like they're children. How the hell you supposed to reach true equality with captain save-a-female ass niggas act like they're incapable of s***?

    And as far as strength that's not a real metric. If somebody throw my little scrawny ass nobody gonna care. I can get f***ed up by somebody stronger and it's cool?

    What do you say to women who live in countries where they can't legally carry any weapon? (no pocket-knife, taser, pepperspray, gun, etc) but still deal with harassment on the street for example

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    niggga u aint neva wrkd a day in yo liffee union make sho i dnt get fired getcho sillasss on boy... bouttta htt the cooola n gt sum so delicious yogurt 2 mf daytme manager aint here

    ayeee thats whats uppp

    but rq, i study labor and i know forsure that union dont give no f***s bout you, just need you to participate in their numebers and pay your dues ctfu u a lil too hype to have people ijn your pockets but part of being real black is knowing a hustle

    also. u too p**** to move like this when your boss is there, your white is leaking thru your skin-suit

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    You’re like my favorite new poster

    i love you nd hope ur day is filled with everything good thing tht could possibly happen 4 sumbdy

  • Aug 18, 2021


    ask quando rondo

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    wuldnt it b crazzyy if i ws 1 of the ngggas u b d*** ridin on ds forum hahahahahahahahahahaha ... im nott but wlnt it b crzy 2 realize tht i aint sht but u love me

    bro you talkin like i sold you a bad batch

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    What do you say to women who live in countries where they can't legally carry any weapon? (no pocket-knife, taser, pepperspray, gun, etc) but still deal with harassment on the street for example

    This has not been a discussion about foreign women? This is a discussion about women who live in a society where they CAN protect themselves. A discussion about American women obviously is an entirely different beast than a discussion about Afghani women.

  • Aug 18, 2021

    i love you nd hope ur day is filled with everything good thing tht could possibly happen 4 sumbdy

    I felt that

    Same to you sir!

  • Aug 18, 2021

    ayeee thats whats uppp

    but rq, i study labor and i know forsure that union dont give no f***s bout you, just need you to participate in their numebers and pay your dues ctfu u a lil too hype to have people ijn your pockets but part of being real black is knowing a hustle

    also. u too p**** to move like this when your boss is there, your white is leaking thru your skin-suit

    f*** u niggga i stopppd readin at i studddy ahahahahaha aif u dnt getcho stupid readddin ass on niggga ...

  • VeggieKubernetes

    Shaky at best reasoning to dismiss a solid claim because in your head you believe it to be rooted in trolling

    Lol aiight b. You can continue to argue in bad faith all you want. It’s what most of you fake Tory fans do anyway.

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Shaky at best reasoning to dismiss a solid claim because in your head you believe it to be rooted in trolling

    You honestly type and argue like someone who came straight from /mu/ it's getting very noticeable

  • Aug 18, 2021
    3 replies

    Mfs talking about women being far weaker than men, forgetting this entire thread started about Meg vs Tory, you tell me who got the physical advantage there Y'all do the most

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    An interesting phenomenon I’ve seen pop up the last few years is how you’re able to effectively shut down any mention of mens issue by conflating said complaints with the loser movement or insecurity

    It's funny cause the main people that do this dont get b****es themselves. Pick Me niggas are toxic lmao

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    You honestly type and argue like someone who came straight from /mu/ it's getting very noticeable

    Y’all are masters at ducking and eurostepping a comment lol

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    bro you talkin like i sold you a bad batch

    ummm human traffickin isnt cool u f***in weirdo

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Y’all are masters at ducking and eurostepping a comment lol

    You have yet to raise any good point that deserves a serious response.

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Saint Aquinas

    It's funny cause the main people that do this dont get b****es themselves. Pick Me niggas are toxic lmao

    When they print out thier ktt2 transcripts for meg

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    u hve provn 2 da whol forum u a blck ppl n niggga im whitee fck noww wat lol u stupiddd asss niggga ahahaaha im at werk in da freeza on dis daiya cheescake i jus opnd, n mre thn likely u at da housse n dis makin ery bit ya day nigga if u dnt go gtchu sum 4rel 2 do... im prouddd 2 b white


  • Aug 18, 2021

    sure. i never listened to Tory before and i still dont now

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    Women are not equally as strong as men

    I am not physically as strong as Dwayne Johnson since I'm short skinny nigga, you crucifying Dwayne if he fight me?

    Lol why u fighting him anyway? Anddo u have a chance of possibly getting molested? So much goes into this bro. You can run? You can defuse the situation? Like I said it ain’t black and white. But If u wanna make it that way I’d just assume u was running your mouth and the big dude just got tired of hearing it


    Mfs talking about women being far weaker than men, forgetting this entire thread started about Meg vs Tory, you tell me who got the physical advantage there Y'all do the most

  • Aug 18, 2021

    And op needa change his avy how u post so much trash and its Kobe

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    ummm human traffickin isnt cool u f***in weirdo

    weirdo glicc love a hairy b****
    yea im on sum fashion s***,
    finna wrap u round ma dicc

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