He would use a RPG
i think he said he could do it barehanded.
hope he shares tips with us all
i think he said he could do it barehanded.
hope he shares tips with us all
Oh yeah that sounds totally easier
Synopsis power scale is that he's strong enough to box a grizzly bear threatening his life, but not enough to beat professional boxer Mike Tyson Can he beat Goku though?
i could beat a bear 100% if i got time to prep for it. random encounter... its a toss up
What do you think ktt premium money is used for
bucky tryna find every bear thread
If you think about it, there should really only be a few animals that would be able to take you out no questions asked. They have no fight IQ.
ok @Synopsis sorry to bother you again (other thread locked before you got a chance to reply) but this s*** really piqued my interest.
How exactly would you kill a bear in a life or death scenario?
You know, he has a higher fight IQ duh