have ye scrap whatever he's been working on these past couple months - Gods Country, DONDA, songs from WUITB era, & begin a whole new album knowing it has the potential to be one of his greatest ever due to everything unfolding, or would you rather have ye continue working on DONDA, knowing we heard bout 60 percent of snippets already?
have ye scrap whatever he's been working on these past couple months - Gods Country, DONDA, songs from WUITB era, & begin a whole new album knowing it has the potential to be one of his greatest ever due to everything unfolding, or would you rather have ye continue working on DONDA, knowing we heard bout 60 percent of snippets already?
Half new and half the best songs from Donda
have ye scrap whatever he's been working on these past couple months - Gods Country, DONDA, songs from WUITB era, & begin a whole new album knowing it has the potential to be one of his greatest ever due to everything unfolding, or would you rather have ye continue working on DONDA, knowing we heard bout 60 percent of snippets already?
whole new album but still want it to be called Donda
whole new album but still want it to be called Donda
We need Hurricane, Donda, and 24 tho bro
We need Hurricane, Donda, and 24 tho bro
why you have to remind me about those amazing tracks we will never see. yeah man I need those tracks
can the album just be nah nah nah