They gotta find me first
I’ll hide out in ya city where I donkey f*** ya mama in front of you and give you a step brother
You too much of a dumbass to do any of that s*** bruh
haven’t in the past but if I’m still wifeless at 60 you best believe ima kick back a cialis and have 3 ways with some 20 year old hookers
How tf a hooker gon tell
That’s like a d*** dealer goin to the cops for someone runnin off with work
So there are these really nice guys called ‘pimps’…
Ive done it out of curiosity
Its pretty great but also weird kinda
Also i came quick bc of anxiety but yeah if you have money to blow on it and just need to get your rocks off, why not?
Had once and it was cool. Very fun girl, we smoked together then f***ed for one hour straight
I’ve got friends who escort and they’re absolutely terrible people, no I wouldn’t use an escort
I’ve got friends who escort and they’re absolutely terrible people, no I wouldn’t use an escort
Its more common than you think
Its more common than you think
It’s regular as hell, these b****es are some of the funniest & fun people I know but they are disgusting and have no morals they be balling tho. A few of them made it out after either getting pregnant or getting into real estate but for some of these girls it’s all they know and they refuse to get a real job. Shoutout the sexworkers tho
Had once and it was cool. Very fun girl, we smoked together then f***ed for one hour straight
If you f*** so good why not just get some regular p****
can i get uhhh one escort no s***just she watches my favorite movie and pretends to be interested in it
If you f*** so good why not just get some regular p****
Didn't even said I f*** that good, you just need to stop masturbating and watching so much p*** then you'll see f***ing for one hour it's nothing
They have their purposes. Going through a dry spell and just need that boost in confidence that comes after sex? Get an escort to get the ball rolling.
In a relationship where you feel the girl is doing something behind your back? Get an escort it’ll piss her off to the tenth degree because not only did you risk your health and hers, you cheated on her w someone you had to pay for it’s a really messed up psychological trick but use this is as a finisher move and this girl really messed you up otherwise this is horrible but if you’re really vengeful then do this. She doesn’t even have to know but you will.
Gone on a late night off the yola and some weed? Get an escort you’ll be h**** af by the time she gets there but don’t do blow the whole bag no matter the tolerance. I’d say .6 is the sweet spot anything more is risk having whiskey d***.
I was very adamantly against it, like VERY against it. still wouldn't but I care less now. as I got older there's times you see a specific girl and can't calm ya urges lol. There's couple p***stars I'm tryna f*** if I had fame I'm not fully opposed to doing what Lil Baby did. That's different tho