DSGN is my favorite Griselda tape out of them all. Hype for DSGN 2, but they have a history of announcing s*** that wont come out anytime soon
Imagine DGSN 2 w Griselda x Boldy x Mach x Fahim
Kinda out of the loop on this one. What's the big deal with these two linking up?
They were collabing a lot in 2016 and Griselda put out one of Mach’s best albums but West and Tha God Fahim had a falling out and Mach sided with Fahim so they hadn’t done anything since and everyone assumed there was still bad blood there but it looks like it’s all squashed now and we’re going to get new music from them next year.
2020 the most insane year I’ve witnessed man
Need u to get the interview from both sides bruh
wish i had dusty hip hop friends irl I could share this news with
The only reason I’m on this site
Emailing Fahim’s lawyer as we speak smh this thievery will not be tolerated
very fetch w the forums
okay maybe i was stoned
i do love monk though, these pics making me giddy