Is this worth 34 please tell me? Is it even good? Haven’t played 2k since 14
It’s one of the best entries in a long time
I bought the nWo edition on launch and haven’t played it for months. It’s not really that great to come back to often, unless you take the Universe modes super seriously
Is this worth 34 please tell me? Is it even good? Haven’t played 2k since 14
Bought it for $35 and haven't bought it since 2K18, having fun tbh
It’s one of the best entries in a long time
I bought the nWo edition on launch and haven’t played it for months. It’s not really that great to come back to often, unless you take the Universe modes super seriously
Nice contradiction
Bought it for $35 and haven't bought it since 2K18, having fun tbh
Can’t wait to play today
Is this worth 34 please tell me? Is it even good? Haven’t played 2k since 14
If you haven't played since 2k14, I'd argue it's worth it for the roster update alone. Definitely a step up over the previous few entries.
If you haven't played since 2k14, I'd argue it's worth it for the roster update alone. Definitely a step up over the previous few entries.
Can’t wait to play today I heard it got a really small toaster tho?
Can’t wait to play today I heard it got a really small toaster tho?
I guess in theory it is a smaller overall roster compared to the last few installments cuz of all the releases they’ve made since the pandemic began but in terms of quality compared to 2K14 it’s a lot stronger imo.
I guess in theory it is a smaller overall roster compared to the last few installments cuz of all the releases they’ve made since the pandemic began but in terms of quality compared to 2K14 it’s a lot stronger imo.
I heard gameplay is hella fun?
Nice contradiction
It can be one of the best and also not worth revisiting.
WWE games have been s*** for years. So bad they had to skip a year. This is common knowledge.
It can be one of the best and also not worth revisiting.
WWE games have been s*** for years. So bad they had to skip a year. This is common knowledge.
So how is this game good lol
So how is this game good lol
The game play is good. Just the modes aren’t engaging to make it worth revisiting. Not sure what’s so hard to understand.
The game play is good. Just the modes aren’t engaging to make it worth revisiting. Not sure what’s so hard to understand.
IS THIS GAME FUN AS IN ARE THE ROASTER GOOD? I don’t Care about no damn season mode. I only play against real people
IS THIS GAME FUN AS IN ARE THE ROASTER GOOD? I don’t Care about no damn season mode. I only play against real people
I think it's a good roster, you have your obvious legends like The Rock, Stone Cold, John Cena, Taker, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, RVD (DLC), etc.
A bunch of newer great wrestlers in it too
Heres the full roster
I think it's a good roster, you have your obvious legends like The Rock, Stone Cold, John Cena, Taker, Triple H, Jeff Hardy, RVD (DLC), etc.
A bunch of newer great wrestlers in it too
Heres the full roster
How do you do grapples move man? This game is so bad I want my money bad
How do you do grapples move man? This game is so bad I want my money bad
Circle (PS)/B (Xbox) then X/A or Square/X
Move the left stick in a direction as you do the action to do different grapples
I used to spend 3 hours making my character & movest
Now the moveset takes like 4 hours & I'm older and busier
I don't want to sit down & do it
Circle (PS)/B (Xbox) then X/A or Square/X
Move the left stick in a direction as you do the action to do different grapples
No like how tf do I do a cool grapple move man wtf. I press circle and dude is a grapple stance but when I move the stick they move directions. Only time the mf does a move in grapple Stance is when I press square. How tf do I do moves in this b**** ass game man
No like how tf do I do a cool grapple move man wtf. I press circle and dude is a grapple stance but when I move the stick they move directions. Only time the mf does a move in grapple Stance is when I press square. How tf do I do moves in this b**** ass game man
Bruh it's not hard
No like how tf do I do a cool grapple move man wtf. I press circle and dude is a grapple stance but when I move the stick they move directions. Only time the mf does a move in grapple Stance is when I press square. How tf do I do moves in this b**** ass game man
you have to move the stick and press square or X at the same time after you initiate the grapple
you have to move the stick and press square or X at the same time after you initiate the grapple
If This s*** don’t work I’m burning this game and posting the after math on ktt. Game is slow af and the reversal fake af! My bad y’all this game disappointing af
If This s*** don’t work I’m burning this game and posting the after math on ktt. Game is slow af and the reversal fake af! My bad y’all this game disappointing af
did you skip the tutorial?
He trolling us, right?
He trolling us, right?
I haven’t played since 2k 14 when r2 was for reversal and now it’s f***ing triangle bro wtf