  • Mar 18, 2020

    To many deadlines, not enough sleep, little to no meaningful social interaction, poor diet.
    I'm an introvert and get pretty much drained from the chit chat with colleagues I barely f*** the lack of sleep starting to get to me

  • Mar 18, 2020

    Self quarantine and get your thoughts together

    Actually just meditate download app headspace

  • Mar 18, 2020


  • Mar 18, 2020

    To many deadlines, not enough sleep, little to no meaningful social interaction, poor diet.
    I'm an introvert and get pretty much drained from the chit chat with colleagues I barely f*** the lack of sleep starting to get to me

    Change one thing at a time. Get your thoughts together and figure out what about your routine is bothering you. The best way to break out of a rut is executing a plan.