  • Feb 19
    1 reply

    I have an Xbox question that I hope you can give me some input on:)

    I hope you can help me with some input.
    I wanna update my Xbox one to a series s or x.

    I am not a big gamer, but I really like gaming.
    I don’t know if my Tv has 4K, but yet I am still leaning a bit towards the series X and here is why.

    If I can, then I would like to future prof me so I still can play new games when a new Xbox comes out, and I think that Xbox will begin to make games for Xbox X and the new Xbox when it comes out.

    Do you think I am right?
    I am gonna buy whatever I land on used.
    I like the design of the S model more, but I think I will have a longer time before I will need to update again if I pick X

    What are your thoughts?:)

  • Feb 19

    I have an Xbox question that I hope you can give me some input on:)

    I hope you can help me with some input.
    I wanna update my Xbox one to a series s or x.

    I am not a big gamer, but I really like gaming.
    I don’t know if my Tv has 4K, but yet I am still leaning a bit towards the series X and here is why.

    If I can, then I would like to future prof me so I still can play new games when a new Xbox comes out, and I think that Xbox will begin to make games for Xbox X and the new Xbox when it comes out.

    Do you think I am right?
    I am gonna buy whatever I land on used.
    I like the design of the S model more, but I think I will have a longer time before I will need to update again if I pick X

    What are your thoughts?:)

    definitely get the x

    i like having that for the fact i can still play physical games which i personally enjoy plus you can always get used games and play them can’t do that with the series s

    also the performance is wayyy better but the s isn’t bad at all but if you want just games to run better the series x is way better for future proofing wise

  • Feb 19
  • Feb 24
    1 reply


  • Feb 24


  • We trying Atomfall out since it’s on Game Pass in March

  • Mar 2

    far cry new dawn is actually terrible

    the game is the prettiest one for sure and i love the setting
    but 5 is my favorite so it’s not surprising but man the story in this one is just so bad man

  • Mar 2
    2 replies

    so many good games leaving wow man

  • Scatt

    so many good games leaving wow man

    I’ve wanted to play solar ash for months I had no idea it was on there

  • Mar 2

    this dude is the worst “xbox influencer”
    he’ll post a bunch of different new games play like 2 hours then say the best game ever jsur dropped then nothing else no way it took bro this long to leave the first region in this game

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

  • Mar 3

    why the yakuza post after removing them all

  • 2026 fall with halo anniversary new Xbox


    F*** KRONIIC

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    so many good games leaving wow man

    They taking away lies of P

  • Mar 3

    They taking away lies of P

    that one took me by surprise

  • Mar 4
    2 replies
  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Mar 4
    1 reply

    update op. its not THUG. its THPS

  • Mar 4

    update op. its not THUG. its THPS

    oh snap
    im pretty sure i put that because i recently downloaded the thug pro mod thing and thats what was on my mind

  • Mar 4
    1 reply

    If gears of war collection has a PC release and gears 2 multi......

    Might uninstall every game I have

    Take me back plz

  • Scatt

    And PC :^]

  • Does anyone know any good puzzle games like Cocoon?

    I really loved that game and would like another puzzle game

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    1 reply

    If gears of war collection has a PC release and gears 2 multi......

    Might uninstall every game I have

    Take me back plz

    They saying gears collection exists

    But has no PVP MP

  • Kr0niic

    They saying gears collection exists

    But has no PVP MP

    If that's true it's over

    The gears 1 remaster had it !!

  • Purrp 🌚

    After how they just did platinum?
    He need to stay away