  • Apr 4, 2023
    Block Muteson

    Remember you said this when the trash freestyles and cyphers come out

    And a year from now when most are forgotten entirely

    i dont look at XXL freshman lists as a marker of skill just who has buzz and who can be viable (sell shows, move records). I’ll find skilled artists on my own, XXL hasn’t been that since the 2016 class, sometimes those talent and viability align sometimes they dont its whatever

  • Apr 4, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm not saying he'd even want it but it's still surprising he's not on there

    pretty sure they offer it and you accept or decline it im figuring he declined it tbh

  • Apr 4, 2023
    Block Muteson

    Neph would be in the cypher saying s*** like "Where'd Lady Gaga's d*** go?"


  • Apr 4, 2023
    2 replies

    pretty sure they offer it and you accept or decline it im figuring he declined it tbh

    Ah maybe. Does seem like a lot of these guys I've never heard of (artists like "Zzz.") are signed to major labels so I guess if you're independent you probably aren't getting reached out to like that unless you're putting up bigger numbers

  • Apr 4, 2023

    Ah maybe. Does seem like a lot of these guys I've never heard of (artists like "Zzz.") are signed to major labels so I guess if you're independent you probably aren't getting reached out to like that unless you're putting up bigger numbers

    yeah facts its def more rare for indie folks to get looks i just know if Swavy could get a look Rx Papi HAD to have gotten an email

  • No Mikul? Out.


    Ah maybe. Does seem like a lot of these guys I've never heard of (artists like "Zzz.") are signed to major labels so I guess if you're independent you probably aren't getting reached out to like that unless you're putting up bigger numbers

    the voting is the pool of who accepts the offer now so people don’t ask why isn’t x here

  • Apr 8, 2023

    I voted Glorilla but tbh Kenny Mason might need ur vote more go vote him

  • Apr 8, 2023
    best poster

    vote for mavi

    This also

    Although would be weird to see him in a cypher but he would body everyone