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  • Mar 6, 2021

    first people started claiming he originated 'punk rap ' with the yelling and ultra distorted bass

    then the KMT vs. look at me comparisons started

    xxx got mad at drake when uzi and keef was using that flow before either of them

    was he just delusional or did he actually think he was first

  • Mar 6, 2021
  • Mar 6, 2021
    2 replies

    to these kids he was super important man

  • OP
    Mar 6, 2021

    to these kids he was super important man

  • G Roy 🩻
    Mar 6, 2021
  • Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply


  • Mmm Hmm 🔒
    Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply

    first people started claiming he originated 'punk rap ' with the yelling and ultra distorted bass

    then the KMT vs. look at me comparisons started

    xxx got mad at drake when uzi and keef was using that flow before either of them


    was he just delusional or did he actually think he was first

    Disrespectful post

  • Mar 6, 2021


  • Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Guy has couple good songs but never was fav of mine

  • Mar 6, 2021
    2 replies

    if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully
    Do not listen...

  • OP
    Mar 6, 2021
    Mmm Hmm

    Disrespectful post

    didnt really have respect for himself in the first place threatening to stick bbq utensils inside women

    if im disrespecting him even more then good

  • Mar 6, 2021
    2 replies


  • G Roy 🩻
    Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply

    if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully
    Do not listen...

    17. A collection of nightmares, thoughts, and real-life situations I've lived. 17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head, my own personal number, soon to be explained in future interviews or instances. By listening to this album, you are literally, and I cannot stress this enough, literally entering my mind. And if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully, do not listen. I do not value your money; I value your acceptance and loyalty. Here is my pain and thoughts put into words. I put my all into this in the hopes that it will help cure, or at least numb your depression. I love you. Thank you for listening. Enjoy.

  • Mar 6, 2021

    Raw thoughts

  • Mar 6, 2021
    3 replies

    Considering he still has 30 MILLION MONTHLY LISTENERS I dnt think so OP

    Im not a stan but cmon dnt be delusional

    Him and juice meant a lot to millions of kids

  • Mar 6, 2021


  • Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply

    when did keef use it?

  • OP
    Mar 6, 2021
    3 replies


    xxxtacion, xxxdomesticabuser, whatever who cares s*** looks like an aol username lol

  • OP
    Mar 6, 2021

    when did keef use it?

    almighty so era

  • Mar 6, 2021


  • Mar 6, 2021
    G Roy

    17. A collection of nightmares, thoughts, and real-life situations I've lived. 17 is the number tattooed on the right side of my head, my own personal number, soon to be explained in future interviews or instances. By listening to this album, you are literally, and I cannot stress this enough, literally entering my mind. And if you are not willing to accept my emotion and hear my words fully, do not listen. I do not value your money; I value your acceptance and loyalty. Here is my pain and thoughts put into words. I put my all into this in the hopes that it will help cure, or at least numb your depression. I love you. Thank you for listening. Enjoy.

  • I’m not a fan but you’re tweaking tbh

  • Mar 6, 2021
    2 replies

    bait thread.

    people are still trying and failing to copy X's sound/aesthetic/vibe to this day.

  • OP
    Mar 6, 2021
    1 reply

    bait thread.

    people are still trying and failing to copy X's sound/aesthetic/vibe to this day.

    ok who

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