  • Jan 6, 2021
    Super Future

    I am positive a correlation can be established between lower IQ and blatant virtue signaling on social media

    I have yet to see an astrophysicist pander to SJW groups in order to acquire some sort of moral highground (which is common practice on twitter)

    I agree... however, my understanding in the concept of IQ has always been that it's essentially a combination of winning the genetic jackpot & being nurtured in an environment which consistently pushes the mind to its limits (2 factors that an unstable environment can hinder). I don't really like putting a lot of eggs into it as a judgement of intelligence because to what I know, it has very little actual neurological standings given the study of what intelligence is, being an ever developing field, puts a lot of emphasis on quick thinking which is not uniformly a factor & was conceived in a era where it was being weaponised as a notion of supremacy.

    Haven't looked into it in a while tho, maybe i'm just waffling

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Pac shot back at cops

    He got that thug person printed in your head homie. Hold onto that and never ever let it go.

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    He got that thug person printed in your head homie. Hold onto that and never ever let it go.

    He literally shot at cops though...

  • Jan 6, 2021

    If he was alive for another 4 years he would’ve been huge. It’s Fr sucks because he was really becoming a better person

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    He literally shot at cops though...


    He shot at cops.


    Conversation ender right here boys. Pack it up boys. Lets go home. Your family are waiting for you at home.

    We'll get then next time.

  • Jan 6, 2021

    He shot at cops.


    Conversation ender right here boys. Pack it up boys. Lets go home. Your family are waiting for you at home.

    We'll get then next time.

    what are you even on about right now
    Pac said himself he only started getting in trouble when he got famous

    Most people know he wasn't a criminal

    He adopted the thug life persona to reach people...

    T.h.u.g l.i.f.e = The hate you give little infants f***s everybody

    What are you talking about?

  • Jan 6, 2021

    This site is embarrassing sometimes

  • Jan 6, 2021

    The GOAT

  • Please please stop with the pac comparisons...

    Like another poster itt said they were both controversial at the time of their deaths. That’s it.

    Any other comparison is displaying ignorance

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    If he was Tupac for his generation he would of still been relevant

    wasn't he in top 20 streaming this year alone? lmao he still is relevant

  • Lightsxo

    Look at this y’alllll

    This is your new Pac

    he addresses this himself

  • Jan 6, 2021

    comparing XXX to pac is a stretch, but he's a huge artist and to do what he did while only on a distribution deal is crazy. the music he came up on wasn't mainstream friendly at the time and he made history. comparing him to Master P would make more sense cause of how successful they both were without being tied to a typical major deal.

  • Jan 6, 2021


  • Jan 6, 2021

    Priviliged "oldheads" taking pac's side on this 'xxx is this generation tupac' is understandable due to an misunderstanding of not knowing that X was for the youth as was pac for the culture. No they arent the same but will be remembered the same way, like biggie is remembered for his lyricism, pac is for his outspokennes, take it with a grain of salt.

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply
    Smacked Voodoo

    Had "control of the youth" but couldn't get his young fanbase to stop harassing his baby mama...and it's pretty much because he lied to them about not beating and threatening to kill her

    his baby mama that never had a baby?

  • Crack Palm Stepper

    Come to think of it was bro really changing or he just did what he had to do because those accusations were catching up

    i think it was kinda both. as a fan yeah he had cool music but he definitely abused geneva and lied about it. some of the public stuff he did was done with the intent of damage control but i do believe he really wanted to spread a good message and help people with depression bc he talked about it even before he blew up.
    i think he truly was changing but that isn't an excuse for what he did

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply
    tomorrow volverse

    his baby mama that never had a baby?

    That's really the one thing to take away from that post b

  • Jan 6, 2021

    Xxx had potential to be a super star. He had the youth Ridin with him but died before he made a legacy or hit his prime. 2020s were going be decade to take over. He left some hits but one of the biggest what if’s in hip hop historyZzz

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    Pac accomplished a lot more and was around a lot more. Pac still talked about in 2021 almost 30 years after his death. Talk to me when XXX is still talked about 30years later. His death is still fresh

  • Jan 6, 2021
    2 replies

    Pac accomplished a lot more and was around a lot more. Pac still talked about in 2021 almost 30 years after his death. Talk to me when XXX is still talked about 30years later. His death is still fresh

    I doubt anyone will give a f*** about X in less than 2 years

  • Jan 6, 2021
    2 replies

    He worshipped satan and is now with him. I pray his son will choose a different path 🙏🏽

  • Jan 6, 2021
    1 reply

    He worshipped satan and is now with him. I pray his son will choose a different path 🙏🏽

    Yoooooooooooo chill

    My guy in heaven not hell burning
