Regardless of who you think has better music, X was clearly on his way to surpassing Drake in popularity and take his spot as the most famous rapper in the mainstream
Even now he has more YouTube subscribers on his music channel than Drake does (33M compared to 25M), and yes that’s important because a lot of people use YT to listen to music, not just YB fans
And you can’t use X’s posthumous albums flopping as an excuse because that was music we didn’t know if he would have released, and he would have probably had more Smash hits like Sad! or Moonlight
It’s a shame that we couldn’t see him grow because you know who did you know what
Doubt it.
It’s possible. He was def bigger than him at the same age and he was growing in popularity
Idk bout that but dude really had a lot crossover appeal
Crazy the new gen kinda lost their biggest rappers in Xxx, Pop and Juice
It would have been interesting to see for sure. I think you’re discounting his legal issues and the reality that he could have very well been locked up for a decent chunk of time
No he wasnt lmao
He wouldn’t have even been bigger than juicewrld
Dude had one soundcloud hit bro calm down
I think Juice Wrld was the one to take the thrown tbh
Juice was def the BIGGER one