Anytime someone makes a thread like this the artist is stupid fire
Anytime someone makes a thread like this the artist is stupid fire
Every time it’s wild
Every time it’s wild
Saw this around self titled too
Die for my b**** is cool but for some reason people act like he’s the second coming of Christ and I don’t understand why, people say he’s different but he be using the same flows as everyone and same beats as everyone
Every time it’s wild
Keem is stupid fire? lmfao knew the bar was low these days, didnt know its that low
Keem is stupid fire? lmfao knew the bar was low these days, didnt know its that low
stop baiting
Go outside
stop baiting
Go outside
not baiting, i really dont understand how ya like generic ass rappers that sound like everyone else and talk nonsense in their songs
not baiting, i really dont understand how ya like generic ass rappers that sound like everyone else and talk nonsense in their songs
Your filter for what’s generic is wrong
Keem isn’t revolutionary for rap as a whole he’s unique in the way he approaches current hip-hop and the current hip-hop sounds within the current hip-hop sphere
Don’t go in expecting to hear a Kanye level paradigm shift
Appreciate it as extremely well executed music that is doing different things with the current framework of what’s popular in rap
people sayin sons and critics is whack you should take out your 401k.
people talkin generic
clearly yall not tapped in and haven’t been for a considerable amount of time.
people sayin sons and critics is whack you should take out your 401k.
people talkin generic
clearly yall not tapped in and haven’t been for a considerable amount of time.
Ktt as a whole is out of touch
not baiting, i really dont understand how ya like generic ass rappers that sound like everyone else and talk nonsense in their songs
keem videos hard
he has like 2 8/10 songs. most of his discog is 5/10, literally the definition of mid. His voice + delivery + beats are so industry and safe...
You are being generous if you call him mid. I can guarantee you that no one on KTT would give a f*** about him if he wasn't Kendrick's cousin