So much music to listen to other than Keem, just listen to that. I like the new tracks but I’m not a Keem fan.
He has talent and potential. I love DFMB but I agree that he's kind of overhyped. Probably because of all the cosigns he has gotten.
I didnt get the hype at first but i really f***ed with the vibes from those 2 singles. The way he flows is catchy and he has that quotability
every artist ktt d***rides sounds like a previous incarnation of another
no originality for this guy
straight up wants to be his cousin and his music shows it
Also he’s only 19, and inb4 someone says ‘Nas was only 17/18 when he made Illmatic’, remember Reasonable Doubt was released when Hov was 25 lol Kendrick was 25 when GKMC came out. Keem hasn’t even tapped into his potential yet
not a fan but dont hate him either. id rather ppl hype up baby keem than lil keed anyday
OP: not hating
Also OP: I never heard a single good song by him, he really sounds like some IG "im a 16yo a rapper just tryna make it, please check out my music on my page, bless up"
“I don’t like him so he’s a meme guys”
op a legit dumbass
If we let Baby Keem become the torch carrier for this generation then we really just settling atp nigga ain’t even good
So far he sounds like an even weirder alien voiced version of Kendrick.
Nah kendrick sounds terrible
Also he’s only 19, and inb4 someone says ‘Nas was only 17/18 when he made Illmatic’, remember Reasonable Doubt was released when Hov was 25 lol Kendrick was 25 when GKMC came out. Keem hasn’t even tapped into his potential yet
Who taught you how to count? Nothing you posted here is accurate.