Mad he didn't say Drizzy eating a Glizzy
He’s not that talented of a writer
Aww so cute they really bffs 🤞🏼
if you don't post your favorite pics of your homie on his bday can you really call that your homie?
Good Morning ktt
I know this gonna sound like I'm hating but does anyone else feel like he brings up his creative influence (fashion+music) on Drake whenever he has the chance?
I think we get the point already
I know this gonna sound like I'm hating but does anyone else feel like he brings up his creative influence (fashion+music) on Drake whenever he has the chance?
I think we get the point already
He’s been pretty vocal about having a chip on his shoulder based on how people treated him as the red headed step child of the new school
Now that the narrative has switched to him being a tastemaker, he’s living it up