Mirrors are two dimensional reflections
Photos undergo processing and an average photo will be rather distorted
what is existence
I may never know how I truly look but a lot of women think I’m a PMF so I’m good.
Use the NBA 2K camera joint for your MyCareer
Feel bad whenever I play against someone who obviously did the face scan and they ugly as s***
I may never know how I truly look but a lot of women think I’m a PMF so I’m good.
This true but I want my self fulfillment goddammit
had a brief period in my life where I obsessed over this very fact. It was terrifying
But you just learn to accept who you are for what you are
had a brief period in my life where I obsessed over this very fact. It was terrifying
But you just learn to accept who you are for what you are
The Who has substance while the what is rather imaginative
I’m not really terrified by it....it’s just a rather interesting dilemma in life
Video/film technology exists
your reflection is still a far more accurate representation of yourself than a video or photo
Mirrors are two dimensional reflections
Photos undergo processing and an average photo will be rather distorted
what is existence
I Don't Need a Mirror to Know I Look Better Than You
Mirrors are two dimensional reflections
Photos undergo processing and an average photo will be rather distorted
what is existence
Are u talkin to me?
Thz problem with mirrors is not that its 2 dimensional tbh its that everything is inverted
If random people say you handsome then you know you not hideous. But if your family the only ones saying you handsome you ugly