You white people should be a lot more empathetic towards the distorted trust African americans have toward pharmaceuticals than you currently are.
yea sorry bro i’m getting my kids vaccinated
Ive heard a handful of singles
I love music bro i listen to everything and his music each time came off as EXTREMELY BORING
! Only Live 2wice
His no more parties in la remix is proof bro
Freddie could never make this stop it.. the second part of the song is literal ART my guy. ART.
freddie gibbs will never drop an album as good as a written testimony
Awt without HOV is as good as Piñata
You Only Live 2wice
not my favorite tape from him, but this easily one of his top ten songs
Freddie could never make this stop it.. the second part of the song is literal ART my guy. ART.
! doesn’t need to , if we get a song ,Freddie could go toe to toe with that nigga
Prob would have a better verse too
Ive never heard an album from this guy just songs here and there and man dude is the definition of a ktt circle jerk
I have literally never heard a real person mention this dudes name irl
a couple years ago i heard this quote
"Freddie Gibbs has been doing 2pac better than 2pac for years"
i don't necessarily agree, but a lot of people did
Freddie could never make this stop it.. the second part of the song is literal ART my guy. ART.
! makes this 3 times a year
take a look yall