Bruh I was just on Twitter and came across a video of this guy performing this song and he sounds so damn alike to Weeknd
If you don’t wanna listen to the whole thing, skip to 1:19, it’s so reminiscent of Wicked Games it’s scary
And it’s crazy because I was literally telling my coworker today how Weeknd is one of those artists that are hard to cover properly because of how unique their voices are, and then I randomly come across this guy on Twitter
bro of course it sounds like wicked games, HE COPIED IT WORD FOR WORD BAR FOR BAR
Why do all of these "(artist) vibes" niggas sound like offbrand versions of other artists
Lmao that’s crazy
Op u can sing bro but at least do your own thing instead of trying to be Abel smh
Op u can sing bro but at least do your own thing instead of trying to be Abel smh
Not me lmao, I wish my singing voice was anything like Abel’s
Lmao that’s crazy
I ain’t even see this holy s***
At first I thought they just have similar voices but I guess he’s like actively trying to copy him
Why do all of these "(artist) vibes" niggas sound like offbrand versions of other artists
Because he basically is an offbrand Weeknd
I’m not gonna listen to homie I only made the thread because I’ve never heard an artist sound this close to Abel
Ktt1 had a thread of artist that sound like Abel. There were a lot of copycats that tried to do the d***gie r&b vibe
Ktt1 had a thread of artist that sound like Abel. There were a lot of copycats that tried to do the d***gie r&b vibe
I remember one named like Vinsint or some s***
He sounds like all of ovo mixed together
I noticed a lot of these Weeknd clones sound nothing like The Weeknd, but they all sound very similar to each other