i feel guilty and unmanly for always eating fastfood and at restaurants on my lunch.
like i dont even know how to make my own food.
what yall be makin for food?
I usually bring my own lunch
It’s leftovers from the night before’s dinner
I also started to buy the ingredients for lunch things I would normally otherwise go out and buy
For example, there is this Greek place down the street from my job that makes bomb pita wraps, instead of going there everyday and spending 8 bucks, I buy the ingredients at the grocery store and bought the sauce they use from the spot to make my own
o i also bring bagels and cream cheese (pack of 5 bagels) for breakfast at work
bagels cost like $2 and cream cheese costs like $2.50, coffee is free where i work
total for the week is $4.50 as opposed to going to the dunkin donuts and spending $5 on a coffee and a bagel a day.
o i also bring bagels and cream cheese (pack of 5 bagels) for breakfast at work
bagels cost like $2 and cream cheese costs like $2.50, coffee is free where i work
total for the week is $4.50 as opposed to going to the dunkin donuts and spending $5 on a coffee and a bagel a day.
dont you get tired of eating bagels every morning of the week though?
dont you get tired of eating bagels every morning of the week though?
yeah tbh lol, but i'm not always hungry in the morning (not a big breakfast person), so i also keep mixed nuts/sometimes poptarts in my desk for when i'm hungry but not too hungry, or just dont feel like a bagel
Always hoping that it is someones birthday and I can snatch the whole cake they brought.
Living life on a budget, its just survival at this point.
i really need to meal prep but im too lazy, someone come over and do it for me
ground turkey is your friend, takes less than 10 minutes to cook and can last you 5 meals or more.
Depends on my mood
If I got a lot to do I'll bring my own so I can get stuff done while eating
If I'm not that busy and it's nice outside I'll go to a restaurant nearby with some co-workers, get food and have a beer too
I meal prep 4meals a day so luckily I got lunches covered I would 100% recommend to make sure that even if you aren't working out you're not eating too many calories
I live 3 miles from work so I usually just go home. Usually eat left overs from the night before.
Use the livehealth link as a disclaimer should be obvious but it's a link to a PDF so you may dl it when you click it
You can use this https://www.google.com/search?q=easy+meal+prep+2400+calories&oq=easy+meal+prep+2400&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j33.9886j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-gj-rev1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF
Use the livehealth link as a disclaimer should be obvious but it's a link to a PDF so you may dl it when you click it
Links busted I think