Looking for the best one-of each-song, regular album length, most complete version of "Yandhi" that we have...
what do you use?
Looking for the best one-of each-song, regular album length, most complete version of "Yandhi" that we have...
what do you use?
Thou shall use this for Yandhi
kinda want to remake the 8 track version that was planned. Feel like that might be the best.
just go with the whiteboard. Keeps the best tracks, flows the best and comes to around 40 mins.
kinda want to remake the 8 track version that was planned. Feel like that might be the best.
What were the 8 tracks?
What were the 8 tracks?
Dont know. I think we can roughly get it tho because in the tweet where we got the 8 number it said 7 of the songs had Ant and we also have the whiteboard of possible tracks from the same day.