  • Unpopular Opinion (Maybe): Album has 0 misses and one of the best Kanye songs of all time (Ghost Town). Personally, its still at the bottom of my ranking above only JIK because of its length, but people act like this album is some mid when its not. Every song front to back is a hit and when it hits those emotional highs on the last two tracks its some of Ye's best. I think the combination of its length, the Trump era, and being overshadowed by KSG causes people not to treat it as good as it is.

  • 7.5

    Its a good album

  • Sep 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Ghost Town and Violent Crimes is the best 2 track run on any Kanye album

  • Sep 1, 2021
    1 reply

    Ghost Town and Violent Crimes is the best 2 track run on any Kanye album

    Devil in a New Dress and Runaway out now

  • Sep 1, 2021

    Devil in a New Dress and Runaway out now

    couldn't pick between em

  • Had YANDHI dropped, people would look back so much more fondly on Ye. A truly personal, inspired album that didn’t sound like his contemporaries at the time. YANDHI would’ve been much bigger, more fun, and had the poppy trap songs. People just got mad cause they expected that after Pablo and got something entirely different.

  • Sep 1, 2021

    good album but was the start of one of the worst eras of kanye

  • album is mid, JIK is way better