  • Nov 21, 2023

    Ye is a gang stalker

  • Nov 21, 2023
    3 replies
    Skinn Foley

    Respectfully raising kids in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming alone when you're in serious need of psychological and psychiatric help is not a good idea

    Do we even know if he was/is in need of that s***? Niggas in that Kanye, SGP, Antonio brown archetype are more sane than they let on imo.

    I feel like we’re quick to diagnose them with s*** when really they might just be a******s

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    he was gonna shining his whole ass family in summer 2020

    I'm saying

    Y'all try to make Kim out as this evil b**** but honestly being married to Kanye these last few years must've been like a real life psychological horror movie

    Kris Jenner seems like she's pure evil and they're all capitalists at day's end but Ye seems way more toxic than Kim

  • Nov 21, 2023
    Free YoungBoy

    Do we even know if he was/is in need of that s***? Niggas in that Kanye, SGP, Antonio brown archetype are more sane than they let on imo.

    I feel like we’re quick to diagnose them with s*** when really they might just be a******s

    nah you’re wilding lol

    someone like SGP and anyone in that lane genuinely are insane dawg

    they might have moments of lucidity but they fundamentally just experience the world differently

  • Nov 21, 2023
    2 replies

    nigga SGP was on live shoulder ramming a wall talking about Waffle House and pancakes

    dude got some gears not turning right up there

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Do we even know if he was/is in need of that s***? Niggas in that Kanye, SGP, Antonio brown archetype are more sane than they let on imo.

    I feel like we’re quick to diagnose them with s*** when really they might just be a******s

    There is absolutely no way that Kanye doesn't need to see a trustworthy therapist on a consistent basis lol

    Purrp fondled his genitals on camera and posted it on Twitter bro is fried too

  • Nov 21, 2023
    lil ufo

    Conspiracy mfs gonna go crazy with this fr

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply
    Skinn Foley

    There is absolutely no way that Kanye doesn't need to see a trustworthy therapist on a consistent basis lol

    Purrp fondled his genitals on camera and posted it on Twitter bro is fried too

    did he seriously finger himself to a Rocky song? i heard he did that but that video is completely scrubbed

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply
    Free YoungBoy

    Do we even know if he was/is in need of that s***? Niggas in that Kanye, SGP, Antonio brown archetype are more sane than they let on imo.

    I feel like we’re quick to diagnose them with s*** when really they might just be a******s

    SGP put a hanger up his ass that man is cooked beyond comprehension

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    Optimi Health Corp sounds like some s*** you'd have to break into on a GTA mission

  • Nov 21, 2023

    nigga SGP was on live shoulder ramming a wall talking about Waffle House and pancakes

    dude got some gears not turning right up there

    Purrp a creative genius but seriously needs to put the lean down and take his meds

    CIA not on his ass either bro is just insane

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    Love how you only care when Kanyes being affected lmao

    Love how what i care about is the topic at hand

    This take hilarious tho who do you know thats pro-cia

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    SGP put a hanger up his ass that man is cooked beyond comprehension

    damn so that qualifies one as mentally unwell huh

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    damn so that qualifies one as mentally unwell huh

    Please get help 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Nov 21, 2023

    did he seriously finger himself to a Rocky song? i heard he did that but that video is completely scrubbed

    I, very unfortunately, saw the video and can confirm that happened

    Got to know Purrp way more intimately than I wanted to

  • Nov 21, 2023
    1 reply

    Love how you only care when Kanyes being affected lmao

    why u riding for the cia

  • Nov 21, 2023

    Ye def has secrets that goons are trying to prevent him from leaking but he's also got mental health problems

    But Purrp is just straight up unwell man

  • Nov 21, 2023

    Please get help 🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • Nov 21, 2023
    2 replies
    tomorrow volverse

    if you're going through a manic episode and could harm yourself, yes!

    He was clearly unwell and ruining his business relationships and public image at the time, and he was able to do it because nobody around him was keeping it 100 with him and tell him no

    Or maybe Kanye is a grown ass man that’s responsible for himself and his own actions like every other adult.

  • Nov 21, 2023

    Love how you only care when Kanyes being affected lmao

    "It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it catches the mouse"

  • Nov 21, 2023
    pussy bacon

    Wtf This guy guilty fr

    nah get this nigga lmao

  • Zezima

    Or maybe Kanye is a grown ass man that’s responsible for himself and his own actions like every other adult.

    I don't know what made you respond w/ this

    Ye is responsible for his own actions

    but being a famous rapper and celebrity, he has way more wealth and social status than others. that allows him to get away with doing bs for a much longer time.

  • Nov 21, 2023

    Or maybe Kanye is a grown ass man that’s responsible for himself and his own actions like every other adult.


    Yes he's responsible for his actions but you do need a good support network. Kanye's issue is everyone who supports him he pushes away publicly and burns bridges in the process. Bro aired out Rhymefest and Q-Tip like

  • Nov 21, 2023

    Optimi Health Corp sounds like some s*** you'd have to break into on a GTA mission
