Nobody calls or laughs at you having autism
It's not an excuse for being a s***ty annoying person anyways but one day you will learn it
if you called me an autist at least you would be correct.....
you are calling me something I am not continously
something that does have a medical solution
autism DOES NOT
I am giving you the layup to call me something I am and you are calling me something I am not
and you dont understand why I compared it to the trans struggle
lol tf happening in here
As a huge Drake fan donāt fall for it guys, calling him autistic is not a layup it got me muted almost immediately
Might as well just call him white, gonna result in the same crash out regardless
need kanye to work with weiland on this album
! dream would be Ye working with Brian Eno
As a huge Drake fan donāt fall for it guys, calling him autistic is not a layup it got me muted almost immediately
Might as well just call him white, gonna result in the same crash out regardless
Exactly lmao
Discussion about incoming Kanye album
You're white if you call out Ye for being a nazi in 2022
I thought general consensus was ye is washed fat nazi?
As a huge Drake fan donāt fall for it guys, calling him autistic is not a layup it got me muted almost immediately
Might as well just call him white, gonna result in the same crash out regardless
no posting the books and taunting while also saying "I got empathy for autistic kids not you being 32" is what got you muted
As someone who hates you
lol tf happening in here
Condom Eyes locking in for another classic
I thought general consensus was ye is washed fat nazi?
Can you please stop saying he's fat? This is fatphobia.
We can discuss college football thats happening tomorrow??
not a sports guy im sorry bro
no posting the books and taunting while also saying "I got empathy for autistic kids not you being 32" is what got you muted
As someone who hates you
As a huge Drake fan how dare I read books on autism, we donāt have room for academia on this site
Condom Eyes locking in for another classic
predictably so
I thought general consensus was ye is washed fat nazi?
A Nazi that works with and hires and pays jewish people ?
does that wildly exist?
isnt part of Nazism a central part not just hating jewish people but hyper imperialism?
Can you explain to me where in Ye career he has been hyper imperialistic?
what you are referring to is antisemtiic which is entirely true while at the same time semite the root word also includes arabs