huge drake fan account really gotta go though
I just hopped ITT and saw Condom eyes post like 10 times on one page idk wtf is going on man...
being here like actually sucks cause of this.
are these dudes just addicted to the interaction?
i mean holy s***, people are engaging in so much hate that I just kind of feel sorry for them. Like this is the highlight of your week isnt it?
very dapper avi
being here like actually sucks cause of this.
are these dudes just addicted to the interaction?
i mean holy s***, people are engaging in so much hate that I just kind of feel sorry for them. Like this is the highlight of your week isnt it?
As a huge Drake fan reaching back 4 days to find a post of mine to get mad at is so desperate but I’m glad my posts have that kind of staying power
joking about having s***with someone who has made clear they detest you because they are now a woman
They are trying to bully him into crashing out so he can get banned. They also did it in the ''watch the party die'' thread where he was the OP. He got muted but they continued talking s*** about him during his mute and are now going on another attempt to get him banned. Same users.
Put some names on that s***
you think you are some sort of genius when the point of what I said was that I would be a woman presenting and many of you guys are so hyper sexual about consumption and domination
which is why you obsessively bully me and it bothers you that I dont just off myself request a mute or ever give up
the way you guys talk to people is very indicative of abusers and rapist.
joking about having s***with someone who has made clear they detest you because they are now a woman
As a huge Drake fan it was a joke at the expense of your crashout, but I forgot we have to treat you like a child or else
this thread is kinda bumming me out.
why are ppl justifying bullying someone with autism?
i mean jfc we're on an internet forum. i been this thread during op's mute, and a lot of people have kept up the hate and weirdness with literally no input or engagement from op at all.
it's like 5 posters who just kind of go "hey do you hate op" "yeah bro forsure" over and over again...
Sadly, the one who’s supposedly a therapist for autistic children has the least amount of empathy for an autistic user on this site
I think my lady is copping it for my bday
why, what's up?
jsut curious lol debating whether or not to cop. I love the yzyxgap sweatshirts and dont need more, but i love the color way. also can't ever have to many sweatshirts.
As a huge Drake fan it was a joke at the expense of your crashout, but I forgot we have to treat you like a child or else
you shouldnt joke that you want to f*** any trans person.....
ive copped from LA Archive before, all legit stuff.
some of it says "imperfect" but it hasnt been s*** i really noticed.
is most of it ACTUALLY from the yzygap era?
Been a pretty good day so far, I say as an even bigger Drake fan.
You dont have to treat me like a kid
you have to behave how you would in reality
you would not joke about wanting to f*** me if I was trans in reality because you know it would be your last day on this earth
They are trying to bully him into crashing out so he can get banned. They also did it in the ''watch the party die'' thread where he was the OP. He got muted but they continued talking s*** about him during his mute and are now going on another attempt to get him banned. Same users.
yeah i know, i was there for it.
how is this not weird? why is this acceptable behavior?
s***'s so weird
Sab gonna come back to this s*** filled with regret
he continues to choose to not ban users doing this whats the regret....
you shouldnt joke that you want to f*** any trans person.....
As a huge Drake fan I will joke about making love to whoever I want, bet you weren’t upset when Ye said he might still f*** Tay Tay