  • Peezy

    Wholesome Ye on Ty’s story

    He is a good lad really

  • Oblivion X

    I get his perspective on A.I and wanting to experiment with something that's considered taboo with art. And it could be something interesting but at the end of it, results matter.

    808s wasn't a classic just because he experimented with autotune but because he experimented with it and the results were amazing.

    2025 ye isn't the same as 2008 ye. 2025 ye has a hard time making a regular album as it is. I'm not confident that he can make a successful experiment with A.I today. The fact that he's not even making his own A.I model from scrap and using an online model already let's me know what it is. Bino model sounded infinitely better than what he's currently doing

    It was always about execution.

  • this guy audio f***ed by a huge fan blowing directly into his microphone. not even ai noise removal can unfuck this s*** recording. holy s*** this man is washed

  • Oblivion X

    I get his perspective on A.I and wanting to experiment with something that's considered taboo with art. And it could be something interesting but at the end of it, results matter.

    808s wasn't a classic just because he experimented with autotune but because he experimented with it and the results were amazing.

    2025 ye isn't the same as 2008 ye. 2025 ye has a hard time making a regular album as it is. I'm not confident that he can make a successful experiment with A.I today. The fact that he's not even making his own A.I model from scrap and using an online model already let's me know what it is. Bino model sounded infinitely better than what he's currently doing

    True even though 808s was s***ted on so much when it dropped

  • If people hate ai ( I respect that ) they can not listen . This is better than him using ai and not telling the consumer although he should have indicated this before putting it on sale

  • Feb 5
    2 replies

    theres def a degree of autist where the goal of ai is to peel a sample apart so you can insert yourself into it. he's been trying to do this s*** for years too:

    its the kim jong-il looking at things stage of fascist insanity to look at something wonderful and go what if that were mine instead

  • he keeps talkin on "i am a king" and "i got" etc

    i dont believe in that s*** man. we got guillotines for a reason

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Was there anything interesting in the interview? I don't know if I have it in me to listen to 30 mins of a 2025 Ye interview lol

  • Feb 5
    2 replies
    Trap a holic

    theres def a degree of autist where the goal of ai is to peel a sample apart so you can insert yourself into it. he's been trying to do this s*** for years too:


    its the kim jong-il looking at things stage of fascist insanity to look at something wonderful and go what if that were mine instead

    There is an inherent desire to shamelessly steal other's work with AI, but it seems so far like all he's stealing is his own voice, and maybe he plans to take drums too, idk how the splits work on sampling drums but I don't think AI or not that changes the splits, maybe once he starts using "AI" samples of stolen work then this becomes a problem, but I think like what happened with samples on Vultures it'll be a problem regardless

    I think other concrete examples of inserting himself is how he used Drake in Pablo era to try and replicate what Drake was doing in 2015, and him catapulting off Stronger, jumping on Stronger was basically a Diddy formula from the 90s

  • Feb 5
    4 replies

    There is an inherent desire to shamelessly steal other's work with AI, but it seems so far like all he's stealing is his own voice, and maybe he plans to take drums too, idk how the splits work on sampling drums but I don't think AI or not that changes the splits, maybe once he starts using "AI" samples of stolen work then this becomes a problem, but I think like what happened with samples on Vultures it'll be a problem regardless

    I think other concrete examples of inserting himself is how he used Drake in Pablo era to try and replicate what Drake was doing in 2015, and him catapulting off Stronger, jumping on Stronger was basically a Diddy formula from the 90s

    i think he's using crappy ai models cuz he likes how fake it comes out. his artistry and songwriting overcoming his biological constraints. he is angry at the world. he likes the violence of the artifacting as a scar of his brutal love

  • Feb 5

    Was there anything interesting in the interview? I don't know if I have it in me to listen to 30 mins of a 2025 Ye interview lol

    Summary in op

  • Trap a holic

    i think he's using crappy ai models cuz he likes how fake it comes out. his artistry and songwriting overcoming his biological constraints. he is angry at the world. he likes the violence of the artifacting as a scar of his brutal love

    Nah he just an idiot and a nazi

  • Next Kanye album is going to be released in a form of Bianca naked interpretive dance

  • Trap a holic

    i think he's using crappy ai models cuz he likes how fake it comes out. his artistry and songwriting overcoming his biological constraints. he is angry at the world. he likes the violence of the artifacting as a scar of his brutal love

    Is there violence or scars in AI, if anything you could say it exists to numb the hard edges of life that comes from true craftsmanship or meticulous expression

    ergo AI is the opiate of the masses 😂🙈

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    There is an inherent desire to shamelessly steal other's work with AI, but it seems so far like all he's stealing is his own voice, and maybe he plans to take drums too, idk how the splits work on sampling drums but I don't think AI or not that changes the splits, maybe once he starts using "AI" samples of stolen work then this becomes a problem, but I think like what happened with samples on Vultures it'll be a problem regardless

    I think other concrete examples of inserting himself is how he used Drake in Pablo era to try and replicate what Drake was doing in 2015, and him catapulting off Stronger, jumping on Stronger was basically a Diddy formula from the 90s

    I’m here to tell you right now, when you are dealing with anyone associated with Jay-Z, including J. Cole, them samples are stolen 99% of the time until the originator finds out. They feel samples shouldn’t have to be paid for, you put it out there into the world to be sampled

  • We should praise Ye for the AI

    That way he will seek something else to make our lives miserable

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    I’m here to tell you right now, when you are dealing with anyone associated with Jay-Z, including J. Cole, them samples are stolen 99% of the time until the originator finds out. They feel samples shouldn’t have to be paid for, you put it out there into the world to be sampled

    Is this just conjecture or based on something

    it's not the 90s and these aren't Madlib albums that sell a thousand copies, the moment its on streaming people know about it, that's why the Donna Summer sample from Vultures got taken down like the day it was released

    I actually think samples shouldn't be paid for, but that is connected to the whole music business being f***ed up and predatory, there should be freedom of expression but when its millions of dollars at stake people get greedy

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Is this just conjecture or based on something

    it's not the 90s and these aren't Madlib albums that sell a thousand copies, the moment its on streaming people know about it, that's why the Donna Summer sample from Vultures got taken down like the day it was released

    I actually think samples shouldn't be paid for, but that is connected to the whole music business being f***ed up and predatory, there should be freedom of expression but when its millions of dollars at stake people get greedy

    It’s based off a direct quote from J. Cole about samples (that was word for word from him from a song on his album about samples) and the fact that Jay doesn’t even know his own music has samples, the producers just hand him finished tracks and they handle the business on the back end after release

    He just settled a case for Big Pimpin sample in 2018, 20 years after the song dropped lmfao

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    It’s based off a direct quote from J. Cole about samples (that was word for word from him from a song on his album about samples) and the fact that Jay doesn’t even know his own music has samples, the producers just hand him finished tracks and they handle the business on the back end after release

    He just settled a case for Big Pimpin sample in 2018, 20 years after the song dropped lmfao

    Ok well Big Pimpin came out in what 97/98, and we're talking about Ye releasing music in 2025, that example has no bearing cause as seen with Vultures these records don't stay on streaming without sampled artists clearance

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    Ok well Big Pimpin came out in what 97/98, and we're talking about Ye releasing music in 2025, that example has no bearing cause as seen with Vultures these records don't stay on streaming without sampled artists clearance

    We are talking about an artist whose mind about this s*** probably still functions like it’s the 90s. I don’t think Ye is thinking “man as soon as I upload this, the system will automatically parse everything and locate the original sample if it’s uploaded elsewhere on the Internet” lmfao especially on his first go as an independent artist

    Actually most artist aren’t thinking like that. You got a beat that was stolen on a major stream and the splits weren’t worked out until after release. I think it’s just common practice to steal samples even up to today

  • Feb 5
    1 reply

    We are talking about an artist whose mind about this s*** probably still functions like it’s the 90s. I don’t think Ye is thinking “man as soon as I upload this, the system will automatically parse everything and locate the original sample if it’s uploaded elsewhere on the Internet” lmfao especially on his first go as an independent artist

    Actually most artist aren’t thinking like that. You got a beat that was stolen on a major stream and the splits weren’t worked out until after release. I think it’s just common practice to steal samples even up to today

    I don't get your point, of course Ye doesn't care about clearing samples, that's not his job he hires people to do that, I don't think any high profile rapper besides Tyler would be interested or involved in anything like that

    But it's not like Big Pimpin where it took a while for a court case to happen and the song became a smash hit, these songs get taken down on day one if the sample is not cleared and the estate doesn't want to play ball, so your point is irrelevant in 2025 context

  • Feb 5

    I don't get your point, of course Ye doesn't care about clearing samples, that's not his job he hires people to do that, I don't think any high profile rapper besides Tyler would be interested or involved in anything like that

    But it's not like Big Pimpin where it took a while for a court case to happen and the song became a smash hit, these songs get taken down on day one if the sample is not cleared and the estate doesn't want to play ball, so your point is irrelevant in 2025 context

    I’m saying in 2025, producers are going out of their way to hide samples to continue practices that have been happening since the 90s so you don’t have to involve the business in trying to clear a Japanese sample from 1975 that’s probably not gonna get approved. It’s why big songs are able to thrive for a long time until a similar sounding sample or melody (blurred lines) is randomly found and the original estate is like “hey, you know what, that’s actually ours!”

    This doesn’t happen immediately in 2025, otherwise hella songs would be getting taken down. It’s why a beat can be stolen live and the splits not worked out until after cause millions of songs are being uploaded every hour. Its why you have producers LOSING their beat they made to artists in copyright claims because they didn’t upload it first for the IRSC code

    Now when you have an obvious sample in the music, it triggers the IRSC code on, especially if it’s uploaded to something like YouTube, and the sample in your song is found immediately. Otherwise if Ye had hidden that sample on vultures well enough, no one woulda ever known unless a producer stripped the stems of Kanye’s song and flipped the sample back to it’s original, exposing what it is which happens today often

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Feb 5
    Trap a holic

    theres def a degree of autist where the goal of ai is to peel a sample apart so you can insert yourself into it. he's been trying to do this s*** for years too:


    its the kim jong-il looking at things stage of fascist insanity to look at something wonderful and go what if that were mine instead

    off topic but that song sounds so pleasant with the low pitch and the guitar voices and how it's chopped

  • Trap a holic

    i think he's using crappy ai models cuz he likes how fake it comes out. his artistry and songwriting overcoming his biological constraints. he is angry at the world. he likes the violence of the artifacting as a scar of his brutal love

    people are understanding the vision felt crazy the past year

  • that vinyl is suspiciously cheap