  • Bandito

    This AI s*** is scary. Like we could have new XXX, Pop Smoke, Tupac, Biggie and King Von albums. Like this is crazy good

    What will actually happen is corporations will create fake artists they don’t have to pay and casual music listeners won’t care and art will slowly be a thing of the past

  • hot pancakes

    Yall think he’s actually gonna re-sing?

    yea if he wants 2 acc make money

  • hot pancakes

    Yall think he’s actually gonna re-sing?

    I doubt it. This’ll probably be all we get

  • Whoever said this sounds like an oceans 11 soundtrack is hilarious.

    I f*** with this

  • He def just dropped this outta nowhere cause he can’t clear no samples on this and the new bully all Nazi lyrics

  • out burn thread

  • Bandito

    This AI s*** is scary. Like we could have new XXX, Pop Smoke, Tupac, Biggie and King Von albums. Like this is crazy good

    i hope they cant legally do that

  • Bandito

    Is there a way to tell if this was AI if Kanye never said it was. Obviously his singing is super polished but how do we know other artist ain’t doing this.

    The Carti album looking suss 👀

    A few songs are tough to tell, a few like beauty and the beast are pretty obvious imo

  • Jim Halpert

    What will actually happen is corporations will create fake artists they don’t have to pay and casual music listeners won’t care and art will slowly be a thing of the past

    they already tried that

    • production still incredible
    • vocals/flows have potential to be hard if not ai
    • music has lost most of its mystique due to his actions

    Great bit

  • Fire

  • Losers actually listening to this bullshit?

  • That Phil Collins sample

  • Raplic Priest


  • The idea for Showtime is sickkkkkk but the ai artifact on the vocals is so distracting

  • need instrumental only BULLY

  • ·

    wtf why do i have a different track list? i got 14 tracks with no Close To You?? i had to manually put all info into apple music because this nigga is too lazy now im realising i have 14 tracks instead of 11 and possible name changes. i got it straight from the website so it's straight from source

  • Imagine pressing play on this garbage after the first trash song

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Losers actually listening to this bullshit?

    They’re finding reasons to call this “actually not bad” “this goes hard!”

  • ·
    3 replies


    How do people know this?

  • MrMudManMood

    How do people know this?

    Not all AI, mix of real + AI