just found this in my Google Drive, a classic night
https://vimeo.com/436383390Finally I got the beginning of this
I wish we had a full version of this
Finally I got the beginning of this
!https://youtu.be/Nyi4Qgr_nN8amazing, totally forgot this was when he took his mask off
f***ing so glad I was with my 6’4 boy aka the human tripod
Too much details man
Ahh I loved this concert. That heartless performance live was something else too in the snow/blizzard scene
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Man I was at this s***. I took a frame off the wall and took one of the posters home straight from inside the venue
i actually preferred this show to the WTT one. The arena is pretty small so everything is boxed in. and it had the fake snow and wind effects etc
remember liking it so much i went to both days of it
Too much details man
Imagine not getting stiff for the human tripod in 2022
Great night. Did you got first night?
yeah if I remember correctly it was supposed to be one night only but he came back for another a week later
probably didn’t give the girl he hit with the mic a free ticket tho
yeah if I remember correctly it was supposed to be one night only but he came back for another a week later
probably didn’t give the girl he hit with the mic a free ticket tho
I thought it was 2/3 back to back nights? I got the poster somewhere lmao. I remember waiting outside and it was taking ages and then this big lorry pulls up and I said i bet it’s the stage and it was 😂😂 I forgot or didn’t know about the mic thing though
I thought it was 2/3 back to back nights? I got the poster somewhere lmao. I remember waiting outside and it was taking ages and then this big lorry pulls up and I said i bet it’s the stage and it was 😂😂 I forgot or didn’t know about the mic thing though
honestly man don’t take my word for it we talking nearly 10 years ago
I’ve got pics of me and my boys in line I look about 10 years old and I must be about 19