It just showed new unreleased clips of Ye talking to the camera about 'Jewish media', it's real
That wasn’t unreleased…it’s real but this intro is made with abunch of fan made s***
It just showed new unreleased clips of Ye talking to the camera about 'Jewish media', it's real
i think that mighta been from dailymail but tbh i forget all the interviews he did in that lil period of time
Can't believe like a year ago it was all good and now this s***
Free Hoover Concert was so legendary and made me so proud to be a Kanye fan
are conservatives' brains so melted that this is the type of content they gotta consume?
this is like a baby sensory video
I would never believed you if you would've told me during College era or MBDTF/Yeezus era this what Ye would have become
I imagined he would turn into this hip Uncle in hip hop that continued to do cool s*** in music/fashion and had youth looking up to him for inspiration
But him siding up with far-right and white supremacist was never on my bingo card
What a shame
It’s absolutely heartbreaking seeing my hero turn into such an irredeemable piece of s***
show hasn't started yet cus nick is getting more viewers than ever before. no reason to start while the view count is still climbing. kanye is giving a 25 year old unapologetic white supremacist the chance of a f***ing lifetime to spread his audience tenfold
i feel like i’m gonna be put on a list for accidentally clicking the link to that site
Why do people call America a Christian nation lmaoooo losers
While it may have been a Native American nation, it was colonised by white Christian Europeans because they were more powerful and smarter than them, and should be praised for it, but when Jewish people came to America and set up businesses it's because of an evil conspiracy and they don't deserve it
are conservatives' brains so melted that this is the type of content they gotta consume?
this is like a baby sensory video
I think it’s just to appease the Kanye fans watching…there’s no way this is the intro for every f***ing stream
i think that mighta been from dailymail but tbh i forget all the interviews he did in that lil period of time
Fair, hadn't seen that before
are conservatives' brains so melted that this is the type of content they gotta consume?
this is like a baby sensory video
lofi hip hop radio - beats to relax/commit hate crimes to
Where did the Donda 2 = Death Con 3 rumor start??
tracks were playing in the bottom left corner with Death Con 3 as rhe album title
While it may have been a Native American nation, it was colonised by white Christian Europeans because they were more powerful and smarter than them, and should be praised for it, but when Jewish people came to America and set up businesses it's because of an evil conspiracy and they don't deserve it
F*** America fr