but he didn't. he is propagating age old anti-Semitic stereotypes. there is a big difference between saying "the rich elites are trying to control me" and "the Jewish elite are trying to control me"
lmao who runs the federal reserve ?
he could easily target crackers but he chooses to target jews with a really charged language and go on far right platforms
no matter how you spin it, no matter how you feel, he’s wrong.
~ Attack white people , good
~comment on Jews bad
Also white people aren’t a monolith , people who think like that are emotional teenage girls
When you’ve been oppressed, as white ppl (Jews included) have done to black ppl for centuries. Complaining about your oppressor is not bigotry. Especially when you as a race struggles mightily financially while the elites profit off their struggles. Ye is aware of these things, he just doesn’t communicate in the best way which is his fault
So why not just say white people then why specify Jews lol
Why are Jews on Ktt so offended like stop taking a abstract talking point personal.
Why are Jews on Ktt so offended like stop taking a abstract talking point personal.
Not a Jew but interesting you assume that
And what is abstract about saying you’re going “death con 3 on Jewish people” lol
So why not just say white people then why specify Jews lol
Who has power in the music business, like who was Kanye's boss during those years he was under contract?
Kanye doesn’t give a f*** about his race struggling financially
c'mon man! ye is gonna sell them t shirts !
hes gonna build kinetic energy cities!!
~ Attack white people , good
~comment on Jews bad
Also white people aren’t a monolith , people who think like that are emotional teenage girls
shut ur dumb ass up
Who has power in the music business, like who was Kanye's boss during those years he was under contract?
Don’t know but let’s just say it was a person who was Jewish.
The fact that Kanye signed a bad contract has nothing to do with the fact that the guy is Jewish, and everything to do with the music industry being predatory on artists.
Don’t know but let’s just say it was a person who was Jewish.
The fact that Kanye signed a bad contract has nothing to do with the fact that the guy is Jewish, and everything to do with the music industry being predatory on artists.
Ok so you say the music industry is being predatory on artists
Who exactly makes up the music industry? Like who is predominantly in positions of power there and hold predatory positions towards artists?
Ok so you say the music industry is being predatory on artists
Who exactly makes up the music industry? Like who is predominantly in positions of power there and hold predatory positions towards artists?
Ok so you say the music industry is being predatory on artists
Who exactly makes up the music industry? Like who is predominantly in positions of power there and hold predatory positions towards artists?
Jewish people aren’t inherently predatory on artists. The music industry breeds selfish people that in turn start to take advantage of artists.
Just like you can’t say black people are killers just because they make up the majority of cities where murder rates are through the roof. They aren’t killing people because they’re black, they’re killing people because the systematic racism in this country puts those people in situations where it’s nearly impossible to escape poverty
Like I said in the last thread, I really wonder how many people on this site have even had interactions with jewish people in real life lol
Jewish people aren’t inherently predatory on artists. The music industry breeds selfish people that in turn start to take advantage of artists.
Just like you can’t say black people are killers just because they make up the majority of cities where murder rates are through the roof. They aren’t killing people because they’re black, they’re killing people because the systematic racism in this country puts those people in situations where it’s nearly impossible to escape poverty
I will never understand why this is so hard for some people to get.
Jewish people aren’t inherently predatory on artists. The music industry breeds selfish people that in turn start to take advantage of artists.
Just like you can’t say black people are killers just because they make up the majority of cities where murder rates are through the roof. They aren’t killing people because they’re black, they’re killing people because the systematic racism in this country puts those people in situations where it’s nearly impossible to escape poverty
the three first prominent hip hop labels where started & funded by jewish men
music industry is inherently exploitative and hip hop particularly exploits the struggle of blacks in order to sell records that blacks themselves don’t own
it isn’t too hard to figure out tbh
the three first prominent hip hop labels where started & funded by jewish men
music industry is inherently exploitative and hip hop particularly exploits the struggle of blacks in order to sell records that blacks themselves don’t own
it isn’t too hard to figure out tbh
It’s a capitalism problem, not a Jewish problem.
Jewish people aren’t inherently predatory on artists. The music industry breeds selfish people that in turn start to take advantage of artists.
Just like you can’t say black people are killers just because they make up the majority of cities where murder rates are through the roof. They aren’t killing people because they’re black, they’re killing people because the systematic racism in this country puts those people in situations where it’s nearly impossible to escape poverty
Who said anything about anyone being "inherently" anything
Jewish people generally hold most of the positions of power in the music business and as a black man if you want to have a serious music career, you will inevitably have jewish bosses telling you wht to do.
Now if those facts create an industry that's extremely predatory, who is exactly to blame here? Why are you guys so eager to call out white people for doing bad s*** to black people but you're unwilling to do the same for other specific groups? Take my second paragraph and switch out jewish for white lol, u guys will all be on board then
It’s a capitalism problem, not a Jewish problem.
which race benefits the most from capitalism?
who created the financial institutions we live in right now?