An artist who's seen both critical and commercial success multiple times speaks on art
Some bozo : uhhh ok lmfaoo
His circle has always been pretty quiet until Ye speaks up for himself first
Ye da 🐐no 🧢
Expressing malicious intent about your ex-wife’s partner through art doesn’t make it okay though Ye. I know you are reading this. Drop the yes-men around you and think about what you are projecting into the world right now and the damage it will bring. Glorifying entitlement and ownership of women and violence to ensure that ownership.
Is Kanye the only rapper you listen to?
Expressing malicious intent about your ex-wife’s partner through art doesn’t make it okay though Ye. I know you are reading this. Drop the yes-men around you and think about what you are projecting into the world right now and the damage it will bring. Glorifying entitlement and ownership of women and violence to ensure that ownership.
Expressing malicious intent about your ex-wife’s partner through art
You're making the inference that the video implies any real life malicious intent, and it's not founded on anything but the assumption that the video is to be taken literally, even tho he explicitly even said that it's not to be taken as a proxy for any harm and joked about it in the video.
Lol if this really a response this gets weirder by the day
Kim doesnt want it w the stans tho
I love how this is awesome and empowering when Kim does it, but Kanye taking a jab at pete in a music video is “stalking and abuse”
I love how this is awesome and empowering when Kim does it, but Kanye taking a jab at pete in a music video is “stalking and abuse”
I don’t think anyones been saying that besides kardashian stans