ye stans in every thread:
"I'd let ye do this to me so they should be fine with it too "
Not saying this to say Kanye is a tough guy but the source of that story is Daz himself on IG live talking s***. Daz is a known bullshitter. God bless him tho for all the dope s*** he produced in the 90s.
Wow and I thought Ye really decapitated Skete. thanks for clarifying
He didn't even decapitate him in the vid
ye stans in every thread:
"I'd let ye do this to me so they should be fine with it too "
Billionaire wife who will prob let you f*** whoever?
I don't think she let him have affairs but thats none of my business. This is treading lipstick alley forum
And Em was rightfully called out lol. You say it’s not serious but you don’t know what type of mental issues brah got. Seeing all the negativity from Ye and his fans and then seeing this could trigger him. It’s funny how some of you Ye Stan’s talk about mental health then downplay it when Ye is picking on people.
Real af
“Maybe i’m like the black marshall” he told us
Eminem makes a whole song detailing killing his wife and people call it genius
kanYe does 4 joke bars ab putting the paws on his Ex Wife’s new bf and now suddenly he needs to be locked away and is a threat
Maybe white people called it genius but that song is one of the reasons why Em gets pretty much no play in black communities because it’s weirdo stuff
ye stans in every thread:
"I'd let ye do this to me so they should be fine with it too "
Who said that
skete was making jokes about kanye @ snl multiple times watched by millions
dont give a f*** about any of this
I don’t like Pete, But let’s be real. If this was reversed and Pete was doing this in an SNL skit, y’all would be absolutely furious.
Ye could smack his daughter unprovoked and his fans will run out the cut like “Shit she should’ve ducked” them niggas up there with the barbs.
Ye could smack his daughter unprovoked and his fans will run out the cut like “Shit she should’ve ducked” them niggas up there with the barbs.
yep this video is very close to abusing children
Ye was shook
He should roll with bodyguards all the time lol and he used to a lot more not sure now how he approaches it.
Ye could smack his daughter unprovoked and his fans will run out the cut like “Shit she should’ve ducked” them niggas up there with the barbs.
Why u making up stories about Ye smacking his kids around man