Listen if someone doesnt like how Ye is moving i get that but theres plenty of real stuff for u to choose from u dont have to make up s***
I don’t like Pete, But let’s be real. If this was reversed and Pete was doing this in an SNL skit, y’all would be absolutely furious.
Ye could smack his daughter unprovoked and his fans will run out the cut like “Shit she should’ve ducked” them niggas up there with the barbs.
What I say about this nigga being the wrong messenger
going from claymation videos to beating ur children is a very logical progression u guys wouldnt get it
You so corny like the nigga you stan
Y’all literally defending a dude bullying a nigga with mental health issues unprovoked so it wouldn’t surprise me.
Kim belongs to Ye, obviously he gonna feel this way about another man getting in the way of that
You just made a thread the other day about sucking drake d*** for rapping about having some somalians kill niggas but a claymation is too far
This nigga Shaq been on my d*** ever since I joined this site
I don’t like Pete, But let’s be real. If this was reversed and Pete was doing this in an SNL skit, y’all would be absolutely furious.
Nope! He’s a comedian
it’s fair play from both of them
bc this video isnt a threat
its an obvious joke
which idk how thats going over people’s head
Ye could smack his daughter unprovoked and his fans will run out the cut like “Shit she should’ve ducked” them niggas up there with the barbs.
10 replies 0 likes in 2 mins
congrats youve outdone yourself
Y’all literally defending a dude bullying a nigga with mental health issues unprovoked so it wouldn’t surprise me.
no we're defending a dude bullying a dude that bullied him
Yeah Kanye is such a f***ing IDIOT for caring about his ex wife and mother of his children. Grow up Mr. West
naw he been on bullshit about kim though
better ways 2 care than some of the s*** he’s doing
Lamest nigga alive teams up with the 2nd lamest nigga alive to make a diss track about the dorkiest nigga alive
Y’all defending a grown ass man harassing his ex and her new dude but up in arms about my post
Bro Pete himself said hes not tripping about Kanye. Yall probably more mad about this than he is lol
Kim belongs to Ye, obviously he gonna feel this way about another man getting in the way of that