The beautiful big titty butt naked women dont just fall out the sky you know part might be my favorite kanye moment in a very long time and im not even kidding
it's legit deep.
white girl used to be goddess before botox and fillers
That type of white has been eradicated from the genepool
Need me a conventionally unattractive but not ugly white woman. Quote me if yall feel me on that
i have more plays on Don't Like Remix than Don't Like 🥰
Superior sing idc
Need me a conventionally unattractive but not ugly white woman. Quote me if yall feel me on that
realest s*** i ever read
Need me a conventionally unattractive but not ugly white woman. Quote me if yall feel me on that
“Now it’s Urkel in your b****, did I do thaaaat????!!” Is classic ye
Yeezy's really back it's crazy
saw Aziz Ansari at the sandwich shop like an hour ago
he said tonight
You know he tuning in tonight
saw Aziz Ansari at the sandwich shop like an hour ago
he said tonight
Did you get an autograph
white girl used to be goddess before botox and fillers
Imagine Tahylor Swift with BBL
Would change the whole world history and wikipedia