  • Dec 15, 2023
    Mason Marjella

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply

    hearing the crowd continuously swivel and agree with his takes as they got worse and worse was great. literally grasping at straws trying to find something to agree with lol

  • Dec 15, 2023

    was she even there lol

    Nope, wasnt there for the whole night

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply
    Mason Marjella

    Completely his own fault too lol idk how he didn't consider whether he's really in a career position to sign up for this

  • Dec 15, 2023
    Mason Marjella

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Luis Suarez on how the MSN trio started: "Against Ajax, Luis Enrique wanted Messi as a false 9 since he was used in that role. Neymar and I were on the flanks, but Messi saw that it didn't work & told me: 'Oh fat man, stay in the 9 position & I'll open the pitch for you on the right side.'"

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply

    im scared about all the s*** i gotta defend tomorrow

    Defending Ye in 2023? LMFAOOOOO

  • KFA 🏛️
    Dec 15, 2023
    2 replies

    Wait what happened

    Live rant on Yesyulz her insta.
    He said a lot of stuff about yews, zionists and then what I wrote in the quote.

  • Dec 15, 2023
    2 replies

    I went to bed and the songs were just mid, now I’m waking up and he lost everyone.

    I am vindicated.

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply

    bro defended r kelly too

    Nah he didnt you lying

  • Dec 15, 2023
    Mmm Hmm

    He even said it himself

    He knows

    they just boost his ego enough to keep going

  • Dec 15, 2023
    5 replies

    Yes, it's over.

    Zionist, jews also named a couple of times in the rant.

    Nah he oficially lost it

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Tbh Ye has bottomed out on rants. He can’t possibly say anything more shocking than last year’s run lol

    Watch him manage to do it

  • KFA 🏛️
    Dec 15, 2023

    bro defended r kelly too

    bill Cosby again ofc

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply

    Nah he didnt you lying

    He did

  • Dec 15, 2023
    1 reply

    i just started it

    “the French were colonizers nigga, they owned 80% of the banks in Africa”

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Shouldn’t have preordered that vinyl!

    Will you tell me what I missed? I went to bed when the stream broke

  • Dec 15, 2023
    2 replies

    France is a big reason for that corruption tho

    Afterwards we can also talk about China, right? Who is buying up territories, ports and diamond mines? Or the United States which has influences all over the world? France is not the number 1 problem.

  • Dec 15, 2023

    Where the full recording

  • Dec 15, 2023
    Smoking Rules

    I went to bed and the songs were just mid, now I’m waking up and he lost everyone.

    I am vindicated.

    History will absolve us

  • Dec 15, 2023
    2 replies

    he was dissing them all saying he was alone and they were like mhm YUP!

  • Dec 15, 2023
    3 replies

    Ye west has the most amazing ability to have a major bipolar episode right when things are looking a little better

  • Dec 15, 2023

    I think it’s over again. I’ll check back in in 6 months

  • KFA 🏛️
    Dec 15, 2023

    Nah he oficially lost it

    Yeah without joking, it was so sad to see, dead serious

  • Dec 15, 2023
    2 replies

    He did

    what he say?