Pointing out that Jews control the world makes you a Nazi?
Nope but probably an antisemite
Word that’s why I don’t think this will be a big deal outside of the dumbass Hitler comments I even think if son threw in a Free Palestine he would be loved
anti Zionism will get you in trouble more than Hitler tbh
not that I think he hasn’t fallen so far from the past year or so already. He probably will get blackballed harder potentially
No he would likely have his mom and would be stable tbh
we gotta remember that Fame and Money, especially to his degree, literally changes your brain. Everything changes and it’s a reason so many people in LA go crazy.
I missed that, what he say?
Listen to what he’s saying at 15 seconds
He’s gonna talk about how his dad wasn’t there for him either
The whole time he didn't even know Saint was his son
Pointing out that Jews control the world makes you a Nazi?
Jews dont f***ing control the world
If ye never got famous he woulda ended up just like that homeless man in they cloned tyrone, begging for a sip of alc and spewing conspiracies
If Ye never got "famous" he'd be like Rhymefest and Talib
Music is amazing this time around
So it's a W
performance (if it happens) in Saudi will be a deciding factor of where we stand in tonight vs scrapped.
Oh my god we’re back again
Guys, even though I listened to a Kanye song one time, I really just have to come out and say it: I think racism is bad. This has been eating away at me all day, and it’s about time I make it known.
You’ve confessed and have now been cleared of your sins, my son
Carti getting 3.6 million views after 14 hours and like 500k likes is insane
Saudi to Miami to Cali (disney) to Vegas back to Saudi in the span of? a week? is crazy
YesJulz looks really close to younger Bryce Dallas Howard
Carti getting 3.6 million views after 14 hours and like 500k likes is insane
Alright man
Jews dont f***ing control the world
are you saying jews are losers?
Xi Jinpeng was a slave in a cave and became the leader of China within 30 years.
someones gotta cut it up im not going 19 minutes straight of ye rant thats too much i did that during the alex jones s*** and my brain never recovered
people are constantly complicit for evil moral things and will never have to deal with being a trending topic on twitter
is it evil for zionists to push israeli propganda on the world through western media? is it evil for music record labels to push d**** and violence and get paid on it hip hop and rap? is everything someone says discredited because theyre labeled as bipolar or antisemetic?