  • Not here rn

    Kate Williams is angry

  • lil ufo

    based response tbh

    he's completely correct

  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    this is unfortunately his best album

  • Jan 6
    2 replies
    Theory Talk Trader

    this is unfortunately his best album

    16/10 before release

  • Jan 6
    3 replies

    16/10 before release

    ye waitin til its 20/10

  • Jan 6
    Not here rn

    terrible 3 minutes of an otherwise very good interview

    no i will not elaborate further.

  • Whose (white) baby is it?

  • Jan 6
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    ye waitin til its 20/10

    mite have to replay it today to keep going then

  • Theory Talk Trader

    ye waitin til its 20/10


  • Napste

    mite have to replay it today to keep going then

    naps smirke


  • Jan 6
    1 reply

    With a gun to my head

  • Pokerking4128

    With a gun to my head

    save me asian girl

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 6
    2 replies

  • Jan 6
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    Marlin Manson and his lawyers

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 6

    Marlin Manson and his lawyers

    nah those are s***slaves

  • Jan 6
    1 reply
    lil ufo

    i'd love to line them up and get a collateral headshot with a sniper rifle

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Jan 6
    1 reply
    Theory Talk Trader

    i'd love to line them up and get a collateral headshot with a sniper rifle

  • lil ufo

  • Yeezy how u doin huh
    Yeezy how u doing huh
    Yeezy how u doing huh

  • Jan 6
    3 replies

    Holy farther forgive me for my sins

  • Jan 6
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    Holy farther forgive me for my sins

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

    Fight the urge to sleep

  • Napste

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

    Fight the urge to sleep

  • Jan 6
    1 reply
    pussy bacon

    Holy farther forgive me for my sins


  • ANTI



  • listening to songs off this joint again

    it's so over