I know let go prob is not everyone's cup of tea for a Ye song but damn something about it is so infectious
@HoneyBunny OP can’t believe this my life we really won
@HoneyBunny waking up to being the new OP of the main DONDA 2 thread based off a meme thread from weeks ago
Wait when was Ye in the studio with Scarface? Any IG proof? Just seen in OP
Wait when was Ye in the studio with Scarface? Any IG proof? Just seen in OP
OP swaps are kinda hard on this website right? Used to be the fix for these kinda things on KTT1.
If all else fails tho we are really gonna need someone to step up for our next thread.
i suggested to be op and i was gonna have a audio podcast called “ donda 2 podcast” i would be a good op. people would tune in and i’d read the best comments.
the ones starting s***, make sure they feel that temperature 🤜 🤒 . this is groundbreaking s***, a thread podcast so you can be up to date and call in if you want to address a grievance?
plus you’d get all the latest news from all the combined ye sites maybe show some pictures.
oh - we’d have guests too from ye universe even haters and ask them why they hating. and if the answer is reasonable i won’t push the dump button. i’m done pitching to be op ….😒
@HoneyBunny finally got a full time job
About time
New Kanye x Scarface would be crazy!
😳 if this is on donda 2
@HoneyBunny finally got a full time job
About time
Don't sleep on life insurance my fellow Black kings
STAR WARS FUR logging onto ktt for the first time in a week to see their thread banished to the shadow realm
STAR WARS FUR logging onto ktt for the first time in a week to see their thread banished to the shadow realm
truly unreal.
@HoneyBunny waking up to being the new OP of the main DONDA 2 thread based off a meme thread from weeks ago
when she becomes OP at 12pm EST and the thread isn’t up to date by 12:03EST
STAR WARS FUR logging onto ktt for the first time in a week to see their thread banished to the shadow realm
when you ask STAR WARS FUR why he was an absentee OP
@HoneyBunny waking up to being the new OP of the main DONDA 2 thread based off a meme thread from weeks ago
'Incredible' - Scarface