  • Updated Mar 18, 2022

    woke up. picked a random project file that I had lying around and somehow finished up this record.

    The beat was pretty much already there. I may go back to this song and change the beat though.

    It was def a challenge getting this one out. I put maybe 4 hours of my time and energy into this...still figuring out the steps to be a bit more efficient. I legit want to finish stuff in 30-40 minutes at this point. The vocal tracking is my bottleneck. I'm getting more efficient with the edits while I'm tracking.

    I've got a clean template for cover art...idk. I take pictures most places that I go...documenting my surroundings. what I'm inspired by....

    I took a bit of inspiration from Frankenstein...for the songwriting.

    Overall, I somehow made the majority of this a few minutes yea

    Hope y'all enjoy.

    V2 soon coming soon....(feels differnt, adding synths, hammering down the songwriting, bassline...

    damn. V2 sounds sad boi. V1 sounds extra boppy. I like boppy. but man. stripping myself down sounds sick AF.

    hey. maybe do a poll haha.

    boppy vibe. or sad boi vibe.

    I'll post V2 later on this week. new lyrics. new flows too. it's something beautiful. Glad I made this thread. First V2 edit ever...I think.

    I’m excited