Even worse apparently it was a customer who told the McDonald's employee who called the police
Why he telling a McDonald's employee like its the teacher or some s***
If this is true thats a crazy fumble. There was a $10k reward.
Imagine studying for a journalism degree and this is the drivel you put out
sounds standard
Anyone have any confirmation on that manifesto? i’m still not sure that was real
Anyone have any confirmation on that manifesto? i’m still not sure that was real
this joint reads like fan fiction nor does it make mention of a line that cnn mentions
this joint reads like fan fiction nor does it make mention of a line that cnn mentions
This the type of speech you practice in your dorm to an audience of baked friends who don't know if they should take you serious but are too fried to care
When the character assassination hit pieces come out don’t let it change the fact that this man did a favor to America
COMRADE NINTENDO who one of the most repressive companies when it comes to emulators ironically haha
When the character assassination hit pieces come out don’t let it change the fact that this man did a favor to America
this is so good
They def gonna make an example out of him to deter future attempts.
There’s murder and rape cases the nypd ain’t solve for years but it was all hands on deck for this one
They absolutely are taking resources from other ongoing murder cases for this one
I know this a joke but Nintendo CEO on the list too